Thing is, we don’t want those fuckers adopting babies and brainwashing them into their psychotic cult.
Thing is, we don’t want those fuckers adopting babies and brainwashing them into their psychotic cult.
They’ll play “white savior” and adopt children from overseas before dealing with all the oversight and requirements of adopting a child here.
I mean they are already adopting babies- the issue is that women shouldn’t have to go through 9 months of pregnancy and labor to provide them babies and that they’re running households I wouldn’t want my baby to go to. The anti-Roe decision even had someone mention the “domestic supply of babies”. But of course if you…
They don’t think women should have access to IVF. They think if more women nowadays had children when they should, it wouldn’t be necessary. Never mind that infertility has always existed, which is why so many women were forced to have children and then coerced to give them up for adoption before Roe was legalized.
I wonder if IVF will be the line in the sand. The anti-choicers I know are eerily silent on IVF, I suspect, because that’s an option they might need themselves one day. They’re against abortion because they’ll either never need it or they’ll justify their choice privately or they’re wealthy.
Right, because selling timeshares is such a respectable line of work.
Yeah, they’re worried about pedophiles right up until they are confronted with evidence of a real one.
So what, we have entered the phase in America where a 10-year old rape victim needs to be doxxed and used a pawn in a political battle?
Would you buy a timeshare from me?
No. This is about an elitist journalistic class, typically white dude bros, who instinctively dismiss real life concerns as hysterical. The fact is that this poor girl’s story occurs routinely in countries/regions around the world where abortions are banned, why should Ohio be different as a state that bans abortion?…
For a group that is so obsessed with satanic pedophiles, they sure seem reluctant to follow their own conspiracy to its logical conclusion.
When the corporations who own the media use lies to destroy women’s rights and democracy, to the point of doubting children rape victims, and can do so with obvious falsehoods, yet have the unquestionable support of nearly 50% of the electorate and will face zero repercussions for it, then fascism is already here.
Doesn’t Hulu’s position - that they get to dictate the content of political ads run afoul of just about every election advertising law there is?
This has been my first thought: that they did not care to act because they saw the shooter as “taking out the trash” so to speak.
So to be clear everyone is mad at the NEWPAPER for releasing a video and not showing the families... shouldn’t the state have shown the families.
Where was this concern when Hulu aired ads where the *punchline* was “if you go to jail you’ll get raped haha don’t do that.”
I have no idea why people out themselves through this shit.
Don’t say tradition when you mean religion. Not everyone practices religion but many people have internalized the expectations regardless.
It’s worth underlining that at this point American weddings are a patriarchal obligation chiefly enforced by other women. One reason why grooms tend to be less involved in planning is that the standards the couple are striving to meet tend to be set by the bride’s mother, their female peers, or their own internalized…
I am a wedding floral designer by trade. I spend the majority of my time making beautiful, expensive, painstakingly thought out, incredibly wasteful things for what amounts to 5 or 6 hours. a few years of that led me to a backyard ceremony with my partner on NYE that was a surprise to most in attendance.