The Democratic Strategy:
The Democratic Strategy:
My thoughts exactly. Mitch McConnell is a snake. I wouldn’t trust him to hold a door open for someone, let alone “promising” not to hold up future nominations.
Similar? Indistinguishable.
I’m curious about whether OBGYNs will start leaving states that get in the way of them providing care. How much of an impact will that have on patients?
Those fuckers would rather her children were fucking dead then they be made to look bad
At some point, the fact that police are literally just a state-sponsored street gang is going to finally filter into popular consciousness, right? Like, sooner or later the general public will figure out that the cops are not and have never been “good guys”? Right?
Just about sums it up. People care about disinformation when there’s an insurrection, but not when young women spend decades being bombarded with nonsense about emergency contraception being “abortion pills,” about the health risks of abortion, 6-week “heartbeats,” “fetal pain,” re-implanting ectopic pregnancies, etc.…
What would happen if every pro-choice doctor, nurse, pharmacist etc banded together and said, “Fuck it, I’m not denying women care”?
Saint Luke’s Health Center, a foremost health system operating 16 facilities in both Kansas and Missouri, confirmed to The Kansas City Star that it will no longer provide pregnant victims of rape and incest with emergency contraception, because it’s afraid that the morning-after bill violates the states’ abortion…
Log Cabin Republicans are basically the "Feeding My Own Face To Leopards" party.
It’s so bizarre to me that they won’t even attempt something that isn’t a guaranteed win. At least go down in the history books as having pushed the righteous bill that didn’t pass or the Hail Mary federal land ploy that only bought another 2 weeks rather than just... nothing.
It’s how they convince poor white people who their economic policies fuck over to vote for them - by promising to go after the people they (the poor white people) hate.
Yeah, this is a CYA act for her. Just in case the Republican party comes back to their senses (ha!) she can say that she testified against Trump’s actions when she runs for, I guess, senator a few years from now.
Great that she is singing, but she did support him and his “policies”
The party that is always prattling on about freedom, right to privacy, and limited government...
This will never happen, because this is America, and the rich don’t have laws.
Codifying gay marriage and other gay rights is a move that the Dem party could attempt, since previous SCOTUS rulings obviously can’t be relied on as un-reversible. Maybe such an attempt -and others- would fail, but are they even willing to discuss the option? Will they expend any actual effort to address this issue…
I assume everyone is suitably terrified to see which cases the Court chooses to hear next. There’s so much more damage that can and will be done, especially in the face of a Democratic party leadership that has no plan and appears to be willing to do exactly nothing to counter any of this.
I don’t even really understand the hoops someone needs to jump through the simultaneously think the government shouldn’t be involved in our daily lives, but should also regulate who and how we have sex.