
Democratic leadership has been lackadaisical about abortion for decades. They’ve utilized Roe vs Wade for fund-raising (as Pelosi did literally an hour after this information came out, rather grotesquely), but they never made it a priority, because they were so confident it was “settled law” and threat mostly just

it doesn’t feel slow. Seems like starting in 2016 it’s been jumping to hyper speed.

The complete lack of prosecutions for it shows it pretty much already is.

It’s more likely a situation where poor people end up with kids they (and the state) can’t afford and the rich white people who enabled this bullshit agenda will be able to fly their kids out of state and get it done if they need it.

Blaming “feminists” here is rather strange. I also wonder what “superfluous fights” you’re referring to. I won’t assume anything, but which are those?

You seem to be under the sad and extreme misapprehension that democracy the US works on a “proportional representation” basis. It does not. In works in an deeply archaic representative democracy way, and is subject to extreme gerrymandering and voter suppression.

I’m seeing a lot of comments here blaming voters but not a single one calling the democratic party out for their *many* unforced errors on this. If this had been a priority in the last 20 years for the democrats we elected, rather than protecting stock trading and their right to govern well into senility, things would

No the Democrats don’t control the Senate thanks to two DINO’s who would rather watch the country burn if they can stand on the top of the ash heap.

They’ve already protected themselves from that. Abortion is still legal in Kansas so the GOP faction in KS re-drew the voting districts to dissect the liberal strongholds that have historically kept abortions legal. The liberal gov tried to veto it but was overruled. Liberals sued but a GOP appointed judge upheld the

It is hard not to place more emphasis on this decision than there should be. How much is too much emphasis? Men, a woman, and a dogged belief in a mythology invented millennia ago have stolen a vital right away from tens of millions of women. Women will die because of this decision.

This is what happens when too many of us don’t vote.

I can absolutely believe unhinged, occasionally but definitely-dangerous-to-others Hollywood celebrity is preferable to regularly, actively abusive partner.

Ezra Miller is all kinds of awful, but this dad isn’t really passing the smell test either. Those poor kids. 

I mean, guns are legal, marijuana is legal in Vermont, and the plants are part of a legitimate business on a farm. Maybe the Husband was abusive. Miller isn’t there with the family, so this part of the story doesn’t really sound like much of anything.

That’s true, I’m from MA with stricter gun storage laws than Vermont. I used to work in home healthcare and I’ve seen some rough living conditions. I remember a case worker telling me that unless I actually witness abuse or someone is such a hoarder they can’t exit their home in a fire, there is very little they can

At least in the US, legal ownership of guns is not a reason to remove children. And, in many states, securing guns isn’t necessarily required either. Cockroaches on the other hand, are a health violation (though, frankly, much less dangerous than an unsecured weapon). 

I used to work for DCF. Owning firearms wasn’t enough to get us to even respond to an email. Parents smoking pot on the back porch (in a state where it’s not legal at any level) wasn’t enough to get us to come out. There are so few child service workers and so many cases of actual abuse, neglect, and endangerment that

Farm in the country where there guns is kind of redundant. You could have just said a farm in the country.

Remember, folks – don’t fuck Nazis. Fuck WITH Nazis.