I mean, these are the same people who decided saying Happy Holidays was tantamount to declaring war. Bunch of drama queens.
I mean, these are the same people who decided saying Happy Holidays was tantamount to declaring war. Bunch of drama queens.
I’m sorry that your Italian Beef was ruined.
Why do people ask how hard is it for a 5'8" man to kiss a 5' 10" woman but don’t ask how hard is it for a 5'8" woman to kiss a 5' 10" man? Seems like basic physics would suggest each would be equally easy to pull off.
She was also a cheater, a match made in heaven. As for the drop in the stock, seriously, we are an idiot nation.
I dont think most mentally ill homeless people identify with a political party in any meaningful way.
No we do not! This is what a 24-hour news cycle has done. My dumbass father is always trying to goad me into a political fight by aggressively asking me what cable news channel I watch. He then has an aneurysm trying to wrap his mind around my answer that I don’t watch cable news.
I rarely watch TV news but when I do I’m just staggered by how much time is spent not reporting the news, but discussing it. Do we need to hear that Gayle King feels bad about the victims of an earthquake, and at a length that actually rivals the report itself?
Being without an address, he probably isn't registered to vote.
Quick question, Fox types - is burning a Christmas tree worse than burning a Christian church attended by non-whites?
The most hated character isn’t Carrie? Coulda fooled me.
Conservatives love nothing more than playing victim. Of course they shame anyone else who they deem to be “playing victim,” but when it comes to them, you won’t hear the end of how they are persecuted and cancelled and all that other bullshit that isn’t true.
Yeah. I thought the whole point of Big and Carrie was that they were both sort of problematic, but in a way that made them compatible.
Big was not the most hated character. He had his faults but he came around in the end he had a certain charm. Berger was the most hated character. Who breaks up on a Post-it note?
“The crime waves by the way that ushered in the renaissance of law and order under President Ronald Reagan.”
I stopped in to a local food joint for lunch yesterday. I sat down to dig into a delish Italian beef sandwich when one of the employees turned on the TV behind me. It was tuned to Fox News. The crazy pouring out on a variety of subjects (including this one) was staggering. Obviously, Fox has always been bad but I…
Actually, I don’t think there is anything sweet about Kanye’s public pleas for Kim to do as he wants. The man has been told no. He’s using the public forum (which I suspect puts a lot of pressure on Kim because she appears so image conscious) like a weapon. He can suck it. He was a crummy husband. He needs to move on…
Oof. I feel like the show intentionally included the scene where Miranda and Steve are getting ready for the funeral and Steve keeps trying to blame the bike and Miranda points out that it’s not the bike’s fault for this reason.
I’ve always felt like this is a reasonable compromise that you could probably get bipartisan support behind - the government still gets some money back and borrowers can actually stand a chance to pay them off. The problem isn’t the loans themselves, it’s the absurd interest rates. The increased tax revenue from…
At the very least they can keep federal student loan rates at zero. I continued to pay on mine (though I had to call them to resume payments, which was a pain in the ass) during the pandemic forgiveness period and it’s the first time I’ve ever been able to make significant progress paying them off. With no interest, I…
I’ve paid off my loans (undergrad and law school) and absolutely want forgiveness to happen. My life’s not gonna get worse just cause someone else’s life gets better.