I don’t think it’s as much an issue now but even 15-20 years ago being out would disqualify a gay man from playing the lead in romantic comedies, the best they could hope for would be comic relief sidekick.
I don’t think it’s as much an issue now but even 15-20 years ago being out would disqualify a gay man from playing the lead in romantic comedies, the best they could hope for would be comic relief sidekick.
I don’t think the internet ruined fandom because there have always been extremely nutty fans. I think the internet just gave the a platform and reach they didn’t’ have before but they were already nutters.
“I hope you choke" is a death wish, not a death threat. A death threat would be "I am going to choke you." It's not a nice thing to do, but it is not the same thing.
Is “I hope you choke” a death threat though? I would think it would need to say something like “I am going to choke you out”, to be a threat? Is wishing someone dead the same as threatening to kill them, in this author’s eyes?
Yeah, that’s clearly no death threat. That’s like if some rando on the internet says “I hope you get fired” it constitutes a threat of termination of employment.
Yeah, as completely fucking stupid as that is to tweet at someone, it’s not a threat.
“I hope you choke on something” is a death threat? Really? Because Kinja is full of death threats everyday. Someone should notify the authorities.
“...her fans have been launching verbal grenades at Swift’s exes.”
I am torn about this because yes it must be scary sometimes being the victim of your own success and not feeling safe, nor able to live as a “normal person,” but also, this is a chosen, known, field with clear lifestyle changes that everyone knows about. He could have worked through his trauma as a stage actor, or an…
Yes a celebrity who has been criticized for not understanding what life is like for poor people throwing a party around a show where rich people throw away BILLIONS of dollars for entertainment at the expense of those whose lives are so desperate that they would be willing to die for even a chance at receiving even a…
Vegetation is what keeps dunes in place, though. And the spot with these issues is the Maspalomas nature reserve sand dunes.
The Texas code states that you simply need to be voluntarily engaged in conduct for general culpability. Since the driver was voluntarily driving, regardless if they didn’t voluntarily hit the cyclists, they should be considered culpable. Causing someone death because you were operating a motor vehicle is clear cut…
The families can still file a civil suit. Hopefully they do. This bullshit has to be taken more seriously.
Negligent homicide is, in fact, a crime.
Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity.
I’ve often wondered if method actors have any friends or relationships. How do you handle trying to catch up over lunch with your friend, only they’ve sent the joker or a starving machinist or fucking donnatella versace in their place?
“Off camera,” she added. “I never broke. I stayed with her.”
Yup, lots more.
Well see what happened is that she shot sex scenes for the show, and she spoke about her experience with it to someone who was writing a book.