What’s next: challenging germ theory with alternate explanations? Flat earth versus oblate spheroid Earth? Shall we bring back the spontaneous generation? Alchemy? At what point do we get to say “Nazism is a white death cult” and be done with it????
What’s next: challenging germ theory with alternate explanations? Flat earth versus oblate spheroid Earth? Shall we bring back the spontaneous generation? Alchemy? At what point do we get to say “Nazism is a white death cult” and be done with it????
Holocaust deniers have to literally believe that the WWII military veterans that they hold so dear have all conspired to lie to them about the holocaust. Of course, these are the same types that show up for a fascist insurrection and beat cops with blue lives flags. You know, psychopaths.
Slavery isn’t next, slavery was the vehicle FOR this whole thing. Trying to stamp discussion of racism out of school was the entire reason for the Critical Race Theory protests. First they go after the Black folks, then they pivot and go after the Holocaust.
Are you kidding? Soon they will have in history books that these untamed savages just showed up on the shores of this new world with signs that read “Will Work For Free & Be More Than Willing to Subject Ourselves To The Whims of our White Racist Overlords For Centuries To Follow.” I mean someone needed to say out loud…
I am so sick of stupid white people resisting progress.
The Department of Education needs to fulfill its mission and impose a minimum uniform education standard on all of the nation’s schools. This should have been done 150 years ago.
I quit without anything lined up because I was about to break. My company had done literally nothing to help anyone out during COVID (one coworker was told to work at home but wasn’t given permission to bring her only computer—a desktop—home to work with her until two weeks later). Two people on my already…
I don’t know the hard data either but this is a valid concern. There is a huge difference between high end sex work in western countries and also sex work in developing countries where the women are impoverished and choose it because its more profitable than working on a farm or in a sweatshop.
This is an important point. I don’t know the hard data, but I’d be willing to bet the vast majority of sex workers struggle with: homelessness, drug abuse, physical abuse mental illness and/or sexual trafficking situations. They are usually the most vulnerable members of society and not the higher end escorts, like…
I’m looking forward to this read.
“Nobody should be allowed to have an abortion” is not a liberal position, either in the classical or the modern left/feminist/progressive sense. It’s an authoritarian one.
(sing with me, people!)
Yep, she sold her soul to be near the sphere of influence, it blew up in her face, she fuck right off.
She’s had an epiphany. Good for her. Now she can fuck off.
I’d like to think people who play games end up with the kind of exhausting game-players that engage with it, but I also dated some girls in my youth who did and seemed to have grown out of it.
FDS and red pill people both have one thing right: The world IS unfair. Fairness is a made up concept that doesn’t exist in reality. Realizing that is a very good step towards mental well being.
This honestly sounds like the fever dream of the MRA world, and I’d be curious to know what percentage of the activity actually IS those guys LARP-ing as the kind of evil shrew bitch they imagine they’re “up against”.
Not a problem. Rich art collectors love these sorts of stunts. All this new publicity has only made him a more desirable artist.
The possibility of it being fake seems decent, but impractical spending choices feels more like a mark in favor of realism than not, maybe?
Reminds me of Nickel and Dimed, when a journalist with a pretty solid grasp of sociology/economics worked minimum wage jobs for a year or two and more or less demonstrated it’s basically impossible to live any kind of life on that wage, let alone raise a family.