
Being a husky,malamute and shepard mix, he probably can talk. He just needs a translator.

OK, we all know he doesn’t give a shit about that dog, but even if we give him the benefit of the doubt, a guy who was NY Governor could probably afford a good dog boarding place while on vacation, no? They don’t have those in New York?

Agreed! It is the completely wrong breed to have in a hectic environment like the governor’s mansion/office. (I have a shepherd/husky mix.)

Why would anyone with a high-pressure job and strenuous public obligations adopt a dog of that breed mix?

You can always judge a man by how he treats his dog. It seems that not only is this dog under socialized, and under trained, but it is also unloved and suffering from lack of proper stimulation. Poor thing.

People Online ran this yesterday, and it was such a mindfuck. It was like, “Surfing instructor arrested for killing his two toddlers” and then pics of him at the beach cradling his babies and smiling with his wife. I was honestly confused if the dad in the pics was the murderer in question because…why are you showing

Maybe a mug shot.

Also, like... generic white guy is exactly what I expect a family annihilator to look like?

I have three brothers-in-law who, when I married Mr. Valve, were pretty nice and decent guys. One by one, they’ve all fallen down the internet rabbit hole into crazy QAnonish/far right garbage in the past five or six years, until I can’t even stand to be in the same room with them anymore. With each of them, I’ve

Ever notice when stuff like this happens they always have to include a happy family photo? Like what kind of dumb manipulation tactic is that?

Someone would have brought up that he smoked weed while in high school once too

If he'd been literally anything else other than white, we would have gotten his arrest record and mental health history complete with "a history of violence."

Using peer pressure to get kids vaccinated sounds like basically the best possible use of peer pressure.

I foresee rich people fleeing our environmental catastrophe by living on a fleet of yachts, with independent security contractors protecting the fleet. I don’t think anyone in our generation is leaving Earth for any sustained period of time. I know Bezos is rich, but it’s really really expensive, the radiation

Money and privilege do that you.

They are all lawyers who have made it to the Supreme Court. All went to law school at Harvard or Yale, except for Barrett (Notre Dame). All have been Federal Court judges, except for Kagan, who had clerked for federal judges, had worked in the Clinton White House, been professor and dean at Harvard Law, and then U. S.

Stories like that and how RBG and Scalia were best buds make me think justices are pretty fucking detached from reality.

On my darker days I think the end of the Jay & Silent Bob movie where they use their wealth to track down and kick the shit out of internet trolls should become a common occurrence.

I met Justice Breyer once and asked him how he manages to have a civil relationship with Clarence Thomas. And he said “you need to understand where Justice Thomas came from” and I said, “you need to understand what he’s actually doing to people.” And then the conversation ended. Breyer is a good Justice in the sense

And of course just saying “these are a few bad apples” misses the entire point of the parable. “A few bad apples spoil the bunch.” Which means you have to get rid of the bad apples. If you don’t, it turns all the good apples bad.