
This is the stupidest article on Lifehacker i read yet. Astrology is textbook case of pseudoscience like homeopathy. Please stay away. It is 100% trash

You’re a scorpio? Cool.  I’m an asparagus.  We’re compatible.

Not only is astrology complete shit, it’s fascism-lite. Those who believe it are conditioned to believe that people have inherent characteristics/flaws based purely on the circumstances of their birth, not unlike race. Even if your astrology believes aren’t particularly harmful, it trains you to think about and judge

Astrology believers in the West, unlike believers in religion or QAnon as mentioned in other comments, generally have no interest or ability to applying their beliefs to civic governance. Which means I *don’t* actually need to understand or care about what they believe.

Still, it’s actually a good thing to understand something beloved by many, if only be able to better understand the many people who believe in those things.

Next week on Lifehacker:

I don’t knock astrology as a hobby—it’s no more illusory than organized religion in a lot of ways”

As do I, with a minor caveat. Religion is more ingrained within the culture and within families, and I think therefore harder to shake. It took me until I was in my 20s to be able to step back and go, “Wait a minute...none of this makes actual sense or is provable in any tangible way.”

I get the gist of what this comment is trying to say, but if you’ve gotten past the age of 12 and your education hasn’t led you to the conclusion the Christianity is complete hookum, something has gone horribly wrong.

I get the gist of what this article is trying to say, but if you’ve gotten past the age of 12 and your education hasn’t yet led you to the conclusion that astrology is complete hookum, something has gone horribly wrong.

Astrology is bs.

Astrology is complete and total BS. No different in believing in a magic man in the sky or lizard people living underground.  Just another outdated way people found to try to explain what they didn’t understand, and it should go away as part of history as not as something people still believe in.

I don’t knock astrology as a hobby

I think he was a good president, I think he made a lot of good decisions for people...

Why don’t you just use soap and a reusable washcloth to get the clean gentle scrub? Or a reusable (non-electric) face brush for a more intense clean? Wipes have plastic in them, come in plastic packaging, and add to landfills. Fine once in a while, but each one you use will be on the earth hundreds of years after you

I’d be at least interested in how they managed to make the Marauder Map. That was a very powerful artefact and other than Lupin, I don’t see how anyone of them even capable of imagining, much less making such a thing. It a huge stretch even for Lupin to make it. There must be someone way more experienced than them

No! Please no! The Marauders is by far, the part I was most interested of her serie, but looking the little she had said about them over the years I just know they would get royally screwed to elevate Snape. Fanficton is better, those a written by people that like them.

Wasn’t the second half of the actual Harry Potter series bogged down in excessive Marauders stuff already? What more is there to learn or explore? The other crushes the characters may have briefly had? That one time some of them played Quidditch? That awesome Triwizard Tournament that didn’t happen? How Slytherins

I never enjoyed the over-marketing of Harry Potter.
Finding out Rowling is also a transphobe just sealed the deal in my disgust for her and her franchises now.

To me it seems like she just ripped off the Worst Witch.

Sounds like the Harry Potter studios near London. Admittedly, that’s where they actually filmed much of the movies, but that is mostly based around props from the movies. The new entrance hall was a huge improvement, with the dragon overhead, and a restaurant.