
I’m so sorry.  I have no advice, just commiseration. Go hug her.

Today is 100 days since I’ve had a drink and 100 days of doing yoga and meditation daily. I’ve been on a roller coaster of Big Feelings for 100 days, and I’m learning so much about myself and the world around me. I’ve never stuck to anything for this long in my entire life.

Earlier this week, I misplaced my car’s key fob and cried about it.


Excommunication was a thing. If you think that’s ancient history, how about the women I know who were fired from their jobs for being unwed mothers in the past 50 years?

“Cancel culture” is just a term Republicans made up because it’s starting to affect them. Whenver the church or “moral” group calls for boycotting they never call it cancel culture. Remember when relgious nuts burned the Beatles records becasue John Lennon said “we’re more popular than Jesus”? 

Thanks for this article. I’m not sure what the context would be, but I hope to bump into Dr. James someday.

What bugs me the most about the voices calling for an end to “cancel culture” is their attempt to paint it as something only bad awful left people do, and to suggest it’s something recent. When in fact ostracizing people for their words, actions, or even just rumors is quite ancient, and heavily practiced by

News media, GQP, MAGATS - “Major is a bad dog!!!”

I was going to say this! My (huge) rescue dog is very sweet but very protective of me. He’d be so anxious if we moved somewhere new, so large, constantly full of scary-looking men from the security detail. Especially if he couldn’t see me at all times. 

It’s another instance of what I call “large dog syndrome”. Small dogs are just as capable of being nippy or even aggressive, but they’re less capable of doing severe damage. So when a large dog snaps at someone, they freak the fuck out. Overall, incidents with small dogs get laughed off, while those with large dogs

I have a sheep dog. They nip because that's what they've been bred to do. No scars but he needs a metric fuckton of physical and mental stimulation every day or he isn't a good boy.

Look at that face! What a Very Good Boy he is! :D

Caregiver of a rescue German shepherd here. They are WORK. And, they are a little bitey, its in the breed. Add on how many strangers he may be coming in contact with? Sheesh. Anyway.. I refer to myself as his emotional support human and here he is!

Now playing

When I got my dog as a puppy he was really stressed coming into my home because he was taken away from his sister and constant companion (though, only of 9 weeks) and he wasn’t super attached to me. So, he’d cry, nip, etc. I remember texting the guy I was dating at the time that I’m having a few sleepless nights

As someone who’s had 4 rescue dogs, 1 currently living with us (the other 3 lived to ripe old ages and passed on) with an eye towards getting another one to get us back up to a reasonable number of dogs in our home, I fully hear you.

He’s probably stressed and overstimulated from the move and all of the new people. They should give him some quiet time with a distracting toy or a chew once a day. One of those toys that lets out food while he rolls it around might do the trick. Dogs love anything that both clears the mind and fills the stomach.

He’s a shepherd. Herding is a part of his breed, and I’d challenge anyone without thumbs to try and herd without nipping.

A lot is being asked of the poor dog right now. A new home, and not a regular home in any way - hordes of new people, being watched all the time, being walked by people who aren’t his family and don’t spot his cues. Of course he’s on edge!

I’ve had two German Shepherds, both sweet and loving pets who would not hesitate to throw themselves between me and a perceived threat. They were always on alert when we are walking just in case a threat appeared, yet they would sit on command and let kids pet them while I explained how to safely approach a dog.

Because they need to use something to manufacture outrage