
my neighborhood roads commute isn’t the battleground you make it out to be

*more debt to incur

so stupid that it made it to print. If you can’t imagine a scenario where you are doing it for men when it is gender agnostic jobs like this than why would it be “cute” to do it for women? What is Ashley’s take is what is important here. Going to check twitter

hopefully some of them will realize their faulty perception has led them to a hateful worldview

Just in case people act like Japan is so weird. Here is a western enema mascot. A lot of the “Japan is weird” crap has analogs in the west.

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this Sessions guy, not a good guy.

OP thinks you grill as you walk I think....

OP thinks you grill as you walk I think....

rich dad

app deals are back nice.

app deals are back nice.

people here can’t do abstract thinking because there is a big racist and greed filled boot stomping on their brains from birth

All the older men in my family were dead before we had a baby and now I am thinking it has it’s upsides

tired of seeing the 1970's recreated over and over

that guy is shredded

No I think it will change when people chill out in a few generations. Weird of you to say it’ll never change actually.

Let’s change that though, it is sweet to hold hands in a friendly way. Stopping homophobic comments are a good way to start. A lot of people in america are anxious as hell about non romantic intimacy.

Not specifically in reference to this but in plenty of cultures people can hold hands without any romantic implication. No need to make it some sexual thing.

selfish in this scenario

wish the millions of dying people around the world got as much media play as this baby

change the top picture please, looks like you are dog whistling Chinese as a land of disease with the SARS letters