I heard it on Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law way before that. More of the type of show watched by this crowd than DDD haha
I heard it on Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law way before that. More of the type of show watched by this crowd than DDD haha
I was in a fraternity and it was fun but an unnecessary money trap and school body divider. To anyone listing charities affected by this: getting rid of these organizations would free up a lot of time and money that can still be raised for the charities.
Yeah the answer is more diverse couples, not attacking any sprouts of diversity showing up now. Both targets in the article are from the past couple years.
wrong, the take is being looked down on by multiple “communities”, can’t fucking win.
lol stfu ignorant
Wow a lot of this article is fucked up after reading your comment. Still some good points but wow.
This is wrong, I am literally a card carrying member of my tribe because it is personally important to me. Because my ancestors were brutalized and violently relocated to a small area, it would be extremely difficult to take part in the community. You do NOT get to say anything about what my heritage is just because…
Why not use a crisp PNG format for the review box? JPEG artifacts on the text looks bad to me.
is there no other word for scene to mix it up?
not a fan
I was leaning towards the thought that this article is blowing something out of proportion but then I checked out the past covers and you are right! Mostly women with mental illnesses painted on their faces, something pathological is happening at that magazine.
I think this mainly works because of the cover and the heavy Arc the Lad marketing in the past. I never played the game but I remember seeing ads for it enough that I instantly remembered Arc the Lad when reading this article.
or the robot fell head first onto the handle of the sword and she is pulling it out the back
the sword hit where the taut panels are joined together so they spring outward with nothing holding them down on one side.
I am done seeing that image haha
I’d rather they call it out and advertise it rather than not make fun of it because of advertising.
I’d rather they call it out and advertise it rather than not make fun of it because of advertising.
Why put someone with that much time in the mud up for the presidency with so much at stake in the world and at home? Anyone else could have beat Trump but youre right, even if it is wrong she specifically has been shit on in the public view for the last 20 years, no chance.
no just watch the series first
go away dude
defund the gangs by legalizing it already