
it is good design for immersion, nothing to do with your PC culture boogeyman

Marge is sounding rough nowadays

I am not a fan of Ivanka first off, but this is some racist imagery here. You successfully finished the circuit that makes wario and this post some anti-italian, offensive shit.

Then you are ill informed

There is no other democrat in the race, the reality of the situation is that if you get democrats in mass control of government then pro-choice rights are going to be voted for 10 out of 10 times.

not how insurance works dude, one year youre fine next year maybe not. its a net for everyone

not to mention any relativly low premuim plan in america is a joke with astronomical deductables. A situation where you pay a hefty if relatively lower premium, but you do not get any doctor visits or medications paid for even partially until you spend $6000+ on top of your premiums. Guess what! When you get close to

You claimed that americans should not have universal health care because they are so much more sickly and obese than europeans. You have revealed yourself to be a pointless contrarian or you think you stand to lose money off of universal health care. Hopefully you can see that helping the health of humanity can only

Once the governement is the universal provider for health insurance it can negotiage health care costs down. In your specious examples the government was banned from negotiating drug prices by republican corporate shills!

The arguement is that sick people should not be profit centers, the poor and sick should not be denied health care based on if it is a good investment for millionaire stock holders.

wrong you are not laying the numbers out right, unlike you I am not paid to make arguements on the internet so I do not have time for this. If you are not paid, why the fuck woudl you spend your time fighting for less healthcare for the poor with specious aruements? You are not comparing apples to apples. How do you

WTF why doesnt anyone mention metal warriors

only america, with its lack of universal health care, remains the only country to have hospitals.

wrong, if there was one main government insurance paying for everyone then costs would go down. It is much more expensive to receive health care in america than elsewhere, due to the private health insurance system:

OK just for you:

guess what, these people are paying more than that for their health insurance premiums and for the undercovered services. You are obfuscating the numbers by not mentioning that it is a shift away from paying premiums to for-profit corps and isntead paying on average less to the public option!

imagine what his nasty palms feel like. probably room temp grapefruit meat


So much better than Scarlett Johanasson

This and the Bengus post are my favorite video game art posts here.