
I hope we can move on from war mongering centrist bank stoolies. OK that is out, now try to remember the hatred and blood rhetoric of the 2008 anti-Obama campaign. This was a time when it was a very real possibility he could be hurt, with actual asssassination plots foiled in the news.

weird how 18-29 millennials are polling much more likely to vote for Hillary than Trump, compared to the 45-64 crowd who is more likely to vote for Trump. If you want to be honest then crusade against the olds. 

Didn’t land? She whipped his unfunny ass. Some nepotism sadboy wants to contest wit in motherfucking France? He should have stayed out of it after the first comment.

Thanks for the write up, almost went to see this movie without reading the plot,but the title of the article made me rethink that. Pretty gross and I’ll skip this one.

What is with the anti-implant wave that has been hitting comment sections lately?

ban all UK users, easy

I and a lot of others disagree

dumpster fire dumpster fire dumpster fire dumpster fire dumpster fire Hot Topic? chüß

What do you expect from murder simulators?

the most scared i have been of godzilla

Why would you hate on cops riding bikes? I’d rather they look a little less militarized than some cyberpunk jackboots.

penny arcade remains the best gaming webcomic so no problem there

people are really cheating themselves if they judge wipeout without trying races with auto-assist off.

I love it when people get riled up and take a strong stance on shit they don’t know the first thing about hahaha

100% the shooter fault but I’d think most fathers would take a damn bullet for their kids:

Anyone remember the first xbox reports said that the controller cables lit up? I cannot seem to find a picture. Also a green light on the box.

with an assassin creed future story element, or it is a virtual world/real world thing.