that guy died in the end of Lion King
that guy died in the end of Lion King
I hope that they can take the loan and speak truth to power but I want them to get ahead of this one. I saw the loan announcement on Reuters so not a secret.
Gawker media just borrowed $22 million from the company that owns AR-15 variant manufacturer Bushmaster. I am ecstatic to see that it is not affecting reporting but how about some disclosure?
“throw it out”?
“throw it out”?
Hmm it seems to be preloaded with you and your crew.
Hmm it seems to be preloaded with you and your crew.
I could see V from your avi saying that.
I could see V from your avi saying that.
yeah the Hilary voters are pushing for the big transgressions like pro-iraq war candidates and future war megadeaths. Oh but let’s focus on the misguided passion of these online knuckleheads
you ever hear about ps3 deals anymore? 😪
you ever hear about ps3 deals anymore? 😪
I have to shit and piss on all my b/r nightlights so they gotta be in the terlet, gotta go
I have to shit and piss on all my b/r nightlights so they gotta be in the terlet, gotta go
Does this mean we will stop getting subsidies for our health care if we don’t make much?
Are you sure it is only Japan in September? I thought it was a worldwide release. Can’t find anything on google so far.
I love to see hot take fuckers obliterated to ashes like this.
Ya it is boring, felt like a social commitment so I stopped watching after season 4
Sounds like a smart kid for not automatically listening to strangers just because they are adults.
Please do consult with medical professionals before that 80 lbs or it will be: Gestational diabetes? Do it.
If they weren’t throwing a big babyadult tantrum every time they dropped the bow then this wouldn’t have been an issue after the first drop.
amazon is down, it’s all over
amazon is down, it’s all over
When does Deep Down come out?
I liked IC