She was crazy Christian from 2004 until 2010. She announced that she’d “quit” Christianity again in 2010. So it’s been six years.
She was crazy Christian from 2004 until 2010. She announced that she’d “quit” Christianity again in 2010. So it’s been six years.
As a queer and as an ex-goth, Anne Rice novels (and Savage Love in the back of the Ottawa XPress) got me through highschool. Nobody else, it seemed, knew how queer those books were, and it was important to me that queerness was just presented matter-of-factly, albeit you know, supernaturally and with sexy sexy…
Agreed. It’s really kind of incredible that one of them found the courage to come forward.
It just dawned on me that the father’s lies resulted in unnecessary vaginal exams for 7 and 9 year olds. Ugh what an asshole.
Even today most people don’t know how hymens really work. This is a great video:
Lots of other commenters are explaining this but I’ll do it here, too: the examiner’s testimony hinged entirely upon an examination technique that has been discredited because it was predicated upon a total misunderstanding about the way in which a hymen functions/appears.
The documentary is very telling. One of the girls; who is now an adult, talked about how her father and grandmother put her and her sister in a room and yelled and threatened them until they agreed to say that they were raped. They were made to feel afraid that they would be in serious trouble if they did not. It…
the ‘Dad’ who coached the nieces cost 4 women a combined total of 60 years of their lives, while simultaneously costing the tax payers of his state a combined total (per the Vera Institute 2012 study) of $1,877,160.00 in his use of the penal system for gay bashing and custody manipulation. He should pay.
I don’t know, I feel the need to reserve judgement on the niece who hasn’t recanted. They were rather young when their father cooked up this story, and made them tell it. During the course of the investigation, they would have had to repeat it over and over, over the course of years which is a recipe for the…
From the Texas Observer:
I have never understood how ‘being attracted to adults of the same gender’ = pedophile. Is it that they think anybody that isn’t heterosexual is just dumped into a ‘deviant’ bucket and there is no difference between deviants?
In comments above it’s clarified that they thought anything other than a ‘perfect’ hymen = sexual trauma, but it’s since been proven that hymens have an awful lot of natural variation. So there was a natural ridge on the girl’s hymen which the ‘expert’ just decided was scarring.
“lost lesbians” does sound like the over the top, Victorian dramatic phrase that conservative Christians in Texas would come up with though.
If there was any trauma there was apparently no real physical evidence of it.
Also, vaginal trauma used to be determined by if the hymen was not intact. A terribly inaccurate and dated idea that only sexual contact breaks a hymen.
So in the documentary that came out about this story last year they explain that the medical evidence that was called in this case was based on science that has since been completely discredited. The doctor who examined the girls relied only on the now-debunked science, and there was no other physical evidence of…
So, when does Trump tweet that they are actually guilty and should still be in jail?
Oh my god... What the fuck...
I think that’s an unfair assumption. He’s saying that there was not as much skepticism about the inconsistency of the allegations because they were gay. He didn’t say it should never have been investigated.
Can we get a ruling? Putting Taylor Swift’s beach pic after everybody’s Standing Rock posts was shade, right?