
I just checked two articles on the guardian and no, they didn’t use prime minister May but Theresa May. i also just named the two newspapers as examples. As a non-American it is something that I notice constantly both in American media and sometimes also how normal people use it in comments or such. I remember Reading

As a non-American I have to say that there is definitely a lot of times I feel you treat your presidents differently. One example is how often you call them by their title. Like, the nytimes will usually call Obama “president Obama” while the guardian will call May “Theresa May”, right?

I don’t think calling a 14 year old who was dying of cancer dumb for wanting to believe that somehow she could be saved.

Ridiculous or not, it’s her body and she should have the rights to decide what she wants to happen with it.

Yes, I thought some people pay a lot of money for things like burial plot, tomb, ceremonies related to burial/death and so on because they think it will help them in the after life or in a next life, that’s her version of it.

I love that! Your parents sound delightful.

From the article: “Her battle to have her body cryogenically preserved was not reported until after her death”

It’s probably more about using this case to make a precedent which then can be used for abortion cases, which are more time sensitive (you can’t just wait 12 months)

He does that in non-American movies.

Ah, makes sense now that Eddie redmayne found her extraordinary, coompared to russel Crowe she must have seemed fantastic.

It probably will lead to them not being able to accomplish much of what they set out to do, which is a good thing. On the other hand, it will lead to incompetent people in some important positions who will fuck some things up badly, like how the reaction to Katrina was so incompetent. That’s my guess at least.

It’s worse. Scalia found the camps bad as well.

I liked Seth Meyers answer: let’s give him a chance. Oh he appointed banon? Bye, chance!

Since he doesn’t seem to really need anything how about a donation for a really great charity? A subscription to a good journalistic newspaper or magazine to help them financially and get well researched news? Add something small indulgent like some nice chocolates or beer or whatever he likes.

Yeah, but a few Russian oligarchs... anyway, most of her stuff is way, way cheaper. More Jessica Simpson than tiffany’s. knock-off clothes and shoes made in China.

Gerald ford, George h.w. bush and jimmy carter all didn’t get a second term, right? those are 3 examples not too long ago. And sure, Gerald ford is a bit of special case since he hadn’t been elected president, but then I wouldn’t be surprised if in 4 years the president isn’t called trump either, but Pence.

I think when you consider that she was a 19 year old drug addict, he wasn’t old enough to be her father (teenage father, but not impossible) and he engaged her, it makes perfect sense.

His supporters might still buy her stuff (even some that didn’t previously shop at this store) and so it might not do to bad, but if lots of people stop shopping at the store altogether it will hurt them more. I mean, not buying her stuff is the most important thing, but boycotting them altogether until they stop

Mais c’est parfait parce que Roger, moi, le politicien nazi et l’activist gauche, nous sommmes tous de Bâle!