They joined the Pile High club.
They joined the Pile High club.
The referees were not debating the foul call, merely deciding whether Mulder’s body should be buried inside or outside the Restricted Area.
That was the Jeter Jump Throw of outfield catches.
It what world would that quote ever be appalling?
So it’s like going from engaged to married... once you hit a certain point, the faults just start accumulating at a faster rate.
The CEO of little Caesars paid Rosa parks rent for her entire life. Little C's is okay with me.
Judging by the excitement of his teammates, he must be an asshole.
I get it. It’s an awesome play and you’re absolutely right the onus should be on a gunners to figure out if a fair catch was called or not.
Headspin: Let’s Not Remember Some Things
The problem is that you still don’t really get what sports fandom is. You root for a team because it’s YOUR team, and it will always be YOUR team.
In Kentucky people normally take advantage of sleepy Cousins.
Thank you for the shrill audio warning. It’s appreciated.
Damn LeBron really making hard to keep up my irrational dislike of him.
The best is when he’s walking to his pitcher, glances back where the ump is laying flat on his back, and just keeps on walking.
Catcher didn’t even bother giving him a look. Seems fairly obvious? Would be interested to see what sign he gave the pitcher.
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
She’s probably dating a Hotep.
It annoys me that the color guy doubled down on his incorrect “good enough” opinion of the bunt and then was let off the hook because Holt goofed.