Jump ball with 0.0 time left. I'm pretty sure that requires an untimed down.
Jump ball with 0.0 time left. I'm pretty sure that requires an untimed down.
would it be possible for someone to replicate this mark?
Was the last sentence about the masters in creative writing serious or a joke? If it's serious then I think we've found the genesis of these experiences.
is this a serious comment? Have you not heard/read anything?
Is this comment purposefully THAT stupid?
I hate Boston as much as the next guy and approve of any attempt to dump on anyone having ties to Boston. It does seem to be a stretch, however, to claim his tunnel vision for wanting an uninterrupted commute to be a direct attack against the belief that black lives matter.
keep hearing people say (including Dez) that he took 3 steps. How is that 3 steps? When u jump, u have to come down. How is each foot landing a "step"?
haha, watch the video before commenting? Really?
Obviously, he should be seeking alternative employment opportunities in Tallahassee.
That reminds me of playing poker in home games when that was all the rage a decade ago. I'd make dumb decisions because I just wanted to stay in the game and not risk being relegated to watching other guys play cards for an hour.
I am truly surprised by all the people who are claiming to be watching this live when it was a 15 point game with 45 seconds left. On top of the lopsided score, the Pistons had to make for some terrible viewing outside of Michigan. There was nothing exciting about them.
This raises about a million questions (and doubts) about how you actually pull this off with someone who possesses more than half a brain.
That makes quite a lofty assumption that he changed his ways.
any idea on if these things use forced perspective? I'm wondering if this looks goofy to most everyone in the area but awesome from the vantage point of the main camera.
everyone knows when you get the star that it only last about 8 seconds.
I watched it three times, and for the life of me, all I could watch was the mom on the right holding the sign.
The whole perimeter representing something is a far reach.
this mantra is getting tired. We get it....the NFL screwed it up.
Why does the video stop when the best part had just started?