
I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for alcoholics to maintain sobriety with all the family time. I don’t even drink and yet after a little time with family I want to slam back a few (I see it as less harmful than jumping off a cliff, which is the initial response). No one knows your weaknesses and how to push

I swear there is a direct correlation between the student loans being handed out and the ever-rising cost of college. If loans were no longer handed out the cost of education would drop noticeably, and for-profit colleges would be swept into the dustbin of history.

I know it will be brought up and will be a source of consternation...but under no circumstances should Congress or any President try to forgive all those loans. I’m moderately left leaning but this is a terrible idea. The student CHOSE to take out those loans knowing full well they have to be repaid. It’s no different

I know lots of people who travel with “vacation rings” or something like that. Heck, I’m not married and I take a simple band with me when I travel alone. It has come in handy many times, helping to shoo away the unwanted attention of men when I’m traveling by myself.

Children? How are 18 year olds children? Old enough to vote, old enough to be sent off to war, old enough to smoke/drink in most countries, and old enough to have made a few big decisions already.  Might want to get out of your U.S. bubble every now and then.  They made the decision.  If they had parents, the parents

why stop with student debt? Why should I have to pay off my mortgage, my car loan, my credit card debt. I never went to college. I want my free money too!!

I would be sitting there along with you!

I still believe and always will. Life is complicated and horrible enough, why give up a cherished and comforting tradition from childhood. No harm comes from it and a great deal of joy does. To see the magic of Santa in a childs eyes brings me hope in humanity anew, and I just don’t see any down sides to that.

Not all parents use Santa to manipulate behavior. 

When each of my kids was 5ish years old, I told them thatwhile Santa does exist—when he started the gig things were a lot different. For example, there were hundreds of kids he needed to visit, not millions. Also, he gave one gift per kid, not everything on aisle 35 of Best Buy. So Santa still does his thing ... but

I am from the Midwest and if someone came with TP, I would laugh, thank them and move on. There will be plenty more to be offended about by the end of the meal, especially if family are the guests.

My wife is a doctor in the ER. She knows plenty of people with no underlying conditions that didn’t survive COVID.

So we sweat less at night? Hahahaha! Just wait until perimenopause treats you to no fewer than THREE sweat-drenchings per night. It’s even more fun in the winter. You’ll go back to putting that shit on in the morning.

Nah I’m good. The implication that our vaginas need “freshening” is weird to me.

 I do happen to generate a lot of friction, now that you say it out loud.

How you shouldn’t use crypto at all, for anything.

In other news, the planet is dying and crypto bollocks and the carbon output behind that infrastructure is killing it at an even faster rate than before. But yeah, sure, promote its use, or whatever.

Now you too can burn down 10 square acres of rainforest every time you want to get off!

Chronic tardiness in a person is just a passive/aggressive way of reminding everyone else that they are the most important person and they control everyone else in the situation. I was not having it and in the process freed everyone else in the family from it as well.

So much this. I have sister who is this way, and after years of my mother waiting for her, when I started hosting these things, I served when I said I was going to, regardless of who was/was not there yet. When my sister finally showed up, she complained that everyone had already eaten*, and she had only what was left