
Also, be willing to cool/terminate the relationship if they will not respect your boundaries. Some people will literally suck all of your emotional health and then send you into your own spiral by trying to help them. As hard as it is, you need to place yourself and your health first. Explain to them why, but if they

For any age, in situations that are appropriate (sometimes it is not) a simple “Thank you” goes a long way. Too often people forget to say that, even to other adults. It also sets a very good example for children for manners.

Or Apache, but you would be amazed at how many people can’t figure out how to do it.

As the mother of one, I sort of shrugged it off. Yes, both myself and my daughter would have died without my emergency C-sec, but you would be amazed at the “mom shaming” I got over it.

The washcloth works, especially a pretty one (my daughter had a “thing” for purple so I got some really fluffy purple ones and she was happy).

I found switching between glasses and contacts had similar issues. I couldn’t get depth right in contacts, but the glasses of the same prescription were fine. (I worked around this by closing one eye, but it is not a long term fix.)

When I got a new prescription, my biggest issue was with stairs. I had trouble judging the distance while going down a steep staircase (up wasn’t a problem). I ended up taking them off walking down stairs for a few days, to keep from falling. It was unnerving not being able to trust my eyes.

Under the header of “Blame Someone, Anyone Else” it is ok to invoke the ultimate higher powers name on this one..... “I guess we will have to tell Grandma.”

That provided a much needed laugh and reminded me of Jamiroquais Virtual Insanity video-Drunk Russian style.

I believe from personal observation (not 100%) that a grey who responds to the original comment in a thread (such as yourself in this case) can be seen and responded to, BUT, if someone responds to the non original commenter (such as myself in this case) that grey cannot be responded to (or sometimes seen). It was my

Having hope is never foolish. Cling to it as if it were all you have, because in some cases, it is.

DeVito has a lot more range, at least acting wise, than one might think. I would never have imagined him being successful in a romantic lead, but in a movie called Others Peoples Money, I fell a little in love with him. Surprised the hell out of me.

This looks like the first step toward the cloak of invisibility.

Great place to vacation, but you wouldn’t want to live there.

I would like them to expand some of the questions, such as: #3 - Have the question include “attempts”, which is also very traumatic-even if you are lucky enough to get away. #6 Expand to “Or fight so violently in front of you that were terrified even though they did not separate/divorce (but should have)“, and, #7

I hope the judgements/penalties are so severe that these idiots are forced to into bankruptcy and have to retreat to their home planet of Delusia.

Did you even read the article? No where does it say MAN=BAD. Its not attacking men, and in fact is trying to help some men lead better lives by freeing them of incorrect notions forced on them not of their own choosing. Everyone should be able to grow to their highest human potential regardless of gender.

I believe that the real issue is the fact that he was not only her boss (bosses boss even), but also married. It is an absolute no win situation in those circumstances.   I have asked men out (no big deal) but never in a work situation and never when I was married.  Its just a recipe for disaster.

The one person who will have career issues over this is the HR person “who was in the room. I would not give you 2 cents for their career after this.

Who cares about him, the important question is, is the cat OK?