

Don’t forget classy (and totally not a stalker) catcher Jake Taylor laying down a suicide/hit and run bunt to bring home the winning run from second after beating the throw to first.


The game looked pretty solid at E3 too, so as long as it’s more of that I can wait for it.

Attempting to understand something before drawing wild conclusions and flinging accusations? Why would anyone do that?

How’s the house coming?

I just remember that while it looked impressive the acting and writing was really really bad. Maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve seen it but it didn’t exactly impress.

Has anyone seen the live action Casshern? I wasn’t into the series nor did I know much about it but woo, that one was pretty bad.

This has worked for me. She watches stuff that’s mostly on streaming networks so I just go on the ol PS4 and she takes the laptop. She can have the speakers and I’ll take the headphones and we’ll be good.

Not that particular one. He got one for getting 660, would have gotten one for 714, 755, and then tying and breaking Bonds’ record. It would total $30 million if he reached all of them. It’s in the contract notes here:…

We’re told he did a good job. A gooooood job.

What a huge leap in logic. If you don’t care about a fictional character, suddenly you have no empathy? I guess no video gamer felt anything for any recent terrorist attack or loss of their loved ones or helped a friend out with a problem even though it wouldn’t benefit at all.

This take is just too hot for me.

Agreed. de Laurentiis seems like a petty, petty man.

I was just curious about the circumstances though.

Just to be clear, did Napoli have to accept the transfer request? In other words, Juve goes to Napoli and says “Hey, we like Higuain. Here’s a ton of money for him”. Can Napoli then say “Nah” or do they have to accept the money and begin the process of getting Higuain out of town?

Or was this a matter of Juve reaching

I won’t speak to the anime but in general, I find live action adaptations or live action sci-fi focused movies from Japan to be incredibly poorly acted even to the point of distraction. I want to like them. It’s just hard to get past such a fundamental flaw in a lot of these movies.

Absolute must purchase. I bought CE DX on PS3 and PC and would gladly buy it again if I had another system. Can’t wait for this one.


My only regret is that MLB The show doesn’t allow you to make it your no doubt homer celebration.

The concept of being loyal to a team as a professional athlete is such a farce. Ingratiate yourself with the fans and community, play your heart out for the team, work hard and do whatever you can to keep your body in tip top shape for the team and whatever else you need to do to be a pro athlete. However, when it

I swear there was some contest in 90s-00s NYC to see who could have the puffiest jacket.