
Seager is having one hell of a year. He got robbed of the starting spot.

It’s so strange how against labor most sports fans are.

How they will decry players that don’t take a “hometown discount” when the billionaire owner who finances the team could easily afford to pay them.

How they will call someone greedy for taking the most money they can in a profession where average careers last a

I never could get into the Paper Mario universe because I wanted more Super Mario RPG and I was so different. That’s not to say Paper Mario is bad but SMRPG has this charm to it that always stuck to me. Definitely recommend it to anyone who didn’t get the chance to play it originally on SNES or via emulator.

Damn right. You can pry my DS Lite and 3DS from my cold, dead hands.

I remember once upon a time I used to work with the FIFA people at an agency. One of the things they stressed in our interactions with the public was never to discuss anything about handicapping or scripting. I don’t recall being given a specific reason but I think it was basically something like “it’s not in the game

Is that first image even serious? I mean, that’s a significant downgrade. I thought the fucking point was now we have better technology on consoles that will allow for both higher quality graphics and better framerates. This is a joke.

I do “only on your wishlist and 75% off” or under $10.

You missed out on them coming straight out of a smoking session with snoop and the most awkward MC of them all dancing around the fact that they were clearly high as fuck.

Jamie Foxx having a coughing fit was funny though.

Hell yeah. That was sick.

RIP Gary Carter

Since Christmas or so? They had a temporary price cut that extended into a permanent one recently.

What’s been going on? I thought they were tight going way back.

Los Angeles is 2. It fucking sucks.

My wife and I don’t want children. I believe that you have to be 100% committed to it because you’re going to be responsible for someone else in some capacity for the rest of your life and it’s incumbent on you to do your best to make their life better than yours.

If you have a PSP as I remembered I did, you can easily mod WotL to remove that slowdown. I also think that the android/iOS version doesn’t have them but then you’re playing the version with vastly inferior controls. I got far in it but I finally just couldn’t handle the wonky camera.

However, the point remains that

I just have doubts about how well it runs. If it’s as smooth as the trailer, sign me up. I just have a feeling that’s a little trailer magic though because it looks like a lot of stuff is going on.

Better to have people grasping at straws than not meet a deadline you yourself put out there.