
Hawken! Also plan to do a little Lego building.

I'm not saying they never competed, I'm only saying that those other examples of roadsters weren't a real competition to the Miata.

I just scrolled through these comments seeing all these other suggestions in addition to yours... I would hardly consider these other cars "real competition" considering they obviously didn't compete well enough to stay in production.

I don't know what he's known for:(

Or maybe, not everyone is as big of an Internet nerd as you.

So who is Slender Man? Because I don't know either...

Never saw this scene! Thanks for sharing it. I must have been too fed up with Wolverine to stick around after the credits.

This right here shows exactly how I feel. The PS4 looks better in terms of light and dark. My eyeballs don't see shaded objects as solid black, detail-less objects. The Xbox shadows are too dark, and the lights are too bright.

My observations are as follows.

I pull off the road in situations like this. Just this past spring, I was traveling down a divided highway 70mph. Not a drop of rain on the car, but ahead about a mile you could see a black wall of fog, clouds and heavy rain. It was heading my way, as soon as the rain hit, I along with dozens of other cars pulled off

don't forget breast implants... those aren't very natural, might as well put a stop to that too!

Those children look like they are having fun, not being abused for their parents entertainment. Your probably thinking in terms of violence, but I can assure you martial arts isn't violence, it's a sport. It's no different from soccer, swimming, football, cross country, or poll vaulting in that it's a form of

I've been reading through your comments, and I can't disagree more with you.

I can't not comment now after reading some of these other posts now.

Everyone harping on these videos needs to take a chill pill and wash it down with a cup of reality. These aren't serious videos, and they aren't meant to be taken seriously. I can bet you 100 egg rolls that the production company, and the girls are all aware of the fact that their videos are ridiculous, just like they

Why are these kids playing and chatting with strangers? That's the first problem. I don't chat with strangers and I'm 26 years old. My guess is he's holed up in his bedroom where his parents can't hear him. So problem number two is that he's given too much privacy and his parents aren't attentive enough. If I heard my

I suppose my computer is too slow, because all it's showing me is colorful squares. Or am I doing something wrong?

I know this is a serious necro post, but I couldn't resist. you got a good laugh out of me. nice one!

I wouldn't mind trying it, but I've already got a 360 controller, so I'm not likely to buy one.

No thanks, I'll stick with my xbox 360 controller.