
Just know that even though they say it takes place after the events of Soul Reaver 1, it's likely not in the same timeline, considering it has Razielim in it. the Razielim clan was annihilated along with Raziel by his fellow vampiric brothers. Also, Raziel was the first and only vampire to evolve wings. It's not

Defiance had no conclusion though. Kains efforts weren't realized, the Elder God continued to live, nothing was resolved. It only brought more loose ends to the series. So no, it did not finish with Defiance.

You've completely missed his point. He's not stating that the image he posted is a higher quality job, but that it more accurately resembles the Evos concept, which everyone who's seen the car says it takes styling from that car.

I think one of the biggest issues is with the ESRB rating system. It's jacked up. Pick any of the Halo games, all rated M, now pick GTA V, also rated M. Tell me how those two games both receive the same rating? I believe it's time the AO rating gets a broader usage, because lets face it, sex and pornography are not

Dude, you are ridiculous, and your grasp on this thing called human society is overly sensitive. The car was stolen, we all get that, this doesn't change the fact that it was kept in piss poor condition, nor does it mean the cars condition or the owner is off limits from criticism.

I think you are overreacting. He brought up a valid question. The car been driven less than half as many miles the average person will walk in a single year. Why does it look like crap?

I've played a variety of amazing board games, but I always come back to Risk. I love Risk 2210AD, Lord of the Rings Risk, and my new favorite, Starcraft Risk. But I think classic Risk will always be the best.

She did deserve to be fired. The woman threatened to release his personal identifiable information to the public with a clear intended purpose of harassing him. At that point he had every right to come back and demand her information to file an official complaint.

I'm amazed at how much this looks like my MX-6. I'd certainly love to replace my car with one of these.

It doesn't look any better than Warcraft III, which looked like crap. I doubt if and when they do a WCIV that it will retain the crappy cartoon style of WCIII and WoW, I'm betting it'll lean more towards the stylized realistic look of the cinematic.

Still no StarCraft Mega Bloks:( I wonder if that line got dropped.

This is flat out wrong. I'm not a fanboy or anything, but it's no secret that PC gaming is vastly larger than any single console, in terms of gamer count.

Thats a very nice comparison. Thanks for sharing.

Please quite commenting on posts you have no interest in!

Poor choice of wording I suppose. What I meant was original intellectual properties. By this I mean it would be fine for someone to create a dinosaur theme park with vehicles, so long as they aren't directly based on Jurassic Park's IPs. It's just tiresome seeing people hash out existing franchises rather than coming

I'd say fire him, sue the hell out of him, and throw him in jail. He's supposed to be protecting citizens, not running them down with his car.

Is the new vita also larger than the old one? It looks that way in the video. I'm not impressed at all. The old screen is well worth the higher cost.

A small price to pay for free stuff. The ads are hardly intrusive and far and few between. I don't think Pandora and Spotify are even on the same playing field though, one lets you listen to randomized music determined by your tastes, the other lets you listen to exactly what you want to hear.

I never would have (and still wouldn't) made a connection between this A.I. and Cortana. I don't see how you've made the connection between the two.

From Spotify's FAQs page: