
Of course, Kyrie thought he was speaking to a reporter from the Boston Rectangle.

When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way

McDavid owned the Flames so much last night he’s already complaining about a lack of public financing for their new stadium.

I thought the book was about flowers?

The correct answer is “Mary Jane’s Last Dance.” It’s also my pick for the best music video, ever.

So you’re saying that when it comes to obeying the law,

As a Pats fan, please allow me to say: Fuck these people with a fencepost.

It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.

Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.

Fuck this guy. Brian McCann, Dustin Pedroia, and Brett Gardner didn’t fight their entire careers so this asshole could smile after hitting a dinger. These warriors take the game seriously, as should this career minor leaguer.

Are you going to gyms solely to set up the AV equipment?

Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.

This article is true in its overall point, but misses the biggest play of the game. It wasn’t the interception, but the illegal block that came two plays before. Louisville was down 16-7, and Jackson broke free to make an incredible run of 60 yards before being forced out of bounds inside the Clemson 10 yard line. The

“My name spelled backwards is okenrub, because okenrub mah penis after I write these things.”

And then he’s going to put Kawhi back in the next game, completely neglecting finding a cure for him. I imagine he will regret that later.

It 2: Brute?

It 2: Tokyo Drift

It 2: Not It

This was always going to be a shitty week given that DACA was rescinded. But as a Pats fan who lives on St Thomas, and who hasn’t heard from anyone in 24 hours, has no idea if his office or home are still standing, and has no idea when he can go home, this is pretty much the only thing in my life that I’m going to

Pats fan here.