
Under a BLOOD RED sky!!! Boom! Print it, send it to theaters, pass me the blow and which way to the whores?

As with Red State, it's obvious Smith is not a horror fan. His loves are outsider dramas and like, the Cannonball Run movies. He equates horror with low-lights and over-the-top gore. Yawn. That trend died about four years ago. It's neat to see him make something other than "dudes talking to each other" movies, but

Ben Affleck statement? Like Reindeer Games?

Same here. And even after all these years I still have more space on my ipod than on my Mac Book. Mine also gets buggy from time to time but I treat it like an archelogist would a rare artifcat because 1.) there's no way I can fit all of my music on my dinky Iphone C and 2.) manual updating means I'll never have to

As someone who recently moved from Brooklyn,your rent increases up here are just adorable.


You say whan more gawhdamn word about Gronk's prawduction and I'm dragging ya queeuh face down East Tremont ya Dorchester trash!

Unless that dessert course is a Hoodsie, Sean O'Neal and his buddies are leaving this event in an ambulance. Fair warning.


Convinced my dad to let me see Welcome to the Dollhouse when I was 16 and he agreed on the grounds that he went with me since it was an R rated film. Nothing like sitting through a conversation about finger-fucking with your old man. That awkwardness was only recently matched when I went with my folks to see the Wolf

But it's still not aginst the law to make your hand into a paw, right?

See, if Miley Cyrus did this there would be SO MANY thinkpieces! Bieber's just throwing the patriarchal imbalance of authority in our faces, maaaan! He truly is our generations Andy Kaufman / Abbie Hoffman.

You'd think if they were working off of a piece of total fiction anyway, and with Dustin Diamond being a producer that they would have went all out on this movie? It turned out as boring as if they had made an authorized SBTB behind the scenes movie considering, as the rest of the cast tells it, basically nothing

To be fair, though the song was written pre-Nevermind, as this dude says, Kurt Cobain still chose to put it on the album AFTER Nevermind; the album with the mega-hit that sounds A LOT like 'Rape Me.' He had ample time to change the music or the lyrics but decided against it probably for the reasons Mr.Bemis cites.

By "cringe-worthy" do they mean just blatantly clumsy (totally agree about New Order. Love them to death but Barney has shat out some clunkers) or songs that are kind of offensive in retrospect? If the latter, I'd offer up the Descendents. Love, love, love them but the lyrics for "Hope" are the MRA bible. I know they

You know it's going to be deep cuts from Halfway to Sanity onwards just to incite internet rage. I can't be the only one who wants to read a Morrissey penned essay on how "Planet Earth 1988" is comparable to "London Calling" in terms of its greatness and timelessness, can I?

Brooklyn is a city now!? What can't gentrification change?

Yeah, I get the feeling he'd be the friend who always needs a ride but then asks to make several stops along the way. The friend who always has money for beer but never for gas or the check at restaurants. The friend who calls after midnight. The friend you have to quitely ask to calm down and leave the party early