Curt Anderson

You like dags?

It's like Wesley-san from The League

This made me laugh more than it probably should have.

This goes to all the "CoD pro gamers" who payed for this abomination of a service to call themselves "Elite members"


You know, of all the dreams I've had that were video game related, I don't think I've ever been put in one that I've actually played. (Well, except for one nightmare I had that involved playing Fable II before I had even started it...only made even creepier when the dialog in my dream was actually in the game.) Though

I don't know, I think people should eat their food however they want. A customer that does not try out the chef's recommended way of eating is not respecting the chef, but if he still prefers his own way of eating after trying, the chef should show understanding and respect his personal preferences. Chefs exist to put

There are some New Vegas features I prefer, but Fallout 3 was just the better game. The exploration in it felt so much more planned out and well executed. If someone took the new features of New Vegas and slapped them into FO3, I'd be quite happy. I'm sure it's been done as some mod, already.

Remember this is the same place that has that ridiculous gamer dating advice column now.

Fallout: New Vegas

While I don't believe absolute perfection has been achieved in gaming (yet, anyway), I'll list the first thing that came to mind, because it sure as hell came closer than most have, especially in the "current" generation:

And douchebag commenter of the year award goes to......

My sushi expert I learned from is named Tada-San. Much better than "trevor"

They're "experts" in the same sense that you're a "journalist".

Too bad he wasn't eating sushi. That's Sashimi. But whatever...

Knights of the Old Republic

Game's Name: Katamari Damacy