Curt Anderson

You should see Milan football lol

They are beyond annoying, Jack P is nails on a fucking chalkboard for me. Everything that guy says is beyond stupid and his voice...omg his monotone boring ass white idiot voice....uggggghhh I'm getting douche chills just thinking of his stupid ass.

Rooster Teeth absolutely are "those dumb bastards" don't let the two or three actual older people who work there let you forget they are actually man children and everyone else is a 18-20 something who acts like a damn annoying ass 13 year old.

Sometimes having someone that knows the material does not work when it comes to the Conan videos. There was one video back when Conan still had the Tonight Show that he went to the studio that dubbed Ghost in the Shell 2.0 and the guy that lead him around gave him the description of the show and Conan was pretty much

Still dumb bastards

"Ramen" is a type of noodle that is originally from China. Japan has taken it as its own and there are different kinds of ramen throughout the country.

"You're (*bleeped*)..."

I got a reason.

I hate videos that are supposed to show you what is promised in the title, but instead of just getting to the damn point, it's 2 minutes of stupid intros, 10 minutes of the guy talking and nothing happening, and then 30 seconds on what you actually wanted to see.


I've read some really stupid shit on Kotaku... But I think this just took the cake...

North Korean Space Program.

I've watched that movie once or twice a month since I was 9. It, along with Alien, First Men in the Moon, The Man who would be King, and a movie I have trouble recalling the name of at 2:30 in the morning made me want to be a filmmaker.

Gengar used Nightmare...

would you like to have some.... chow mo-mo-mo-mein?

Thankyou for taking that videos awfulness to the next level.