Curt Anderson

ok wtf? The dude at the beginning speaking chinese is both the best and the strangest part of the video, believe it or not. Here's what he says:

I think that video just gave me lupus.

I don't think I've gotten to that part yet.

That music was atrocious...but that sideways bridge wall-ride thing he did was pretty impressive.

Here's a piece of official artwork made in the same style:

Interesting stuff... the more the better I guess.
I wonder though if it won't be kinda weird... if it's projecting the image directly into your eyes, what happens when you move your eyes a bit? Like try to look sideways or something?
Also, yeah... something being displayed directly into your eyes... can't avoid thinking


Not sure I can bear much more pun-ishment... And that's saying something.

i remember voting for this game to go greenlight on STEAM .........

I thought they were all gonna laugh at her..

So, you made a bad call, and so the whole system is worthless..... riiiight.

I remember hearing about that. You didn't need to give her your ear, you know.

i agree... i dont feel bad for anyone who works there... you dont work for zynga if youre interested in game creativity, or originality. hope they go under... soon.

I can. Money doesn't mean all that much to me.

I'm bored of Zynga

Bored with games right now? I know of an alternative.....
"Butterfly in the sky,
I can go twice as high,
Take a look,
It's in a book,
A Reading Rainbow!!!!"

I remember him in that other thing he did OHWAITNOIDON'T

I'm really glad to see that Jezebel isn't just dropping this story. It's not often that a blog does anything that could be even vaguely described as actual reporting. As a journalist - keep digging, there's clearly more to this story.