Curt Anderson

Can this possibly be good?
CG Pokemon? Human Trainers? I can barely wrap my head around it.

I don’t even really like Benedict, but I agree, I think he’s perfect for this too.

I didn’t know the chopsticks weren’t supposed to touch my mouth.
I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.

I was just going to chime in that this works so perfectly because both scores are by John Williams.

One thing that bothered me about that kiss was how “wirey” Elise’s hair seemed. It was very good. But it seemed to be like, too thick, 5 strands mashed into one. Some of the best hair yet, but still a ways to go.

I met him randomly in San Francisco a few years back. Nice guy. He was wearing a Google sweater and I asked him if he worked there. He said something vague, I think. Something like they “may” be working together in the future. So I believe it.

Really well done, I liked it.
The actor who played Darth Maul had a very good facial structure for it, very reminiscent of Ray Park’s original performance.
The loss of Darth Maul in the prequels was one of the great injustices of those movies. I would love to see a descendant or even a clone of his type re-appear in EP

Hearse totally works for ghosts too, very ghastly.

Something just occured to me. If John Williams is attached to score this it could be really epic. I checked IMDB no mention yet, but when Williams and Spielberg team up it’s almost always good.

Yeah that’s totally what happened in Schindler’s List and Jaws...

What has Spielberg Ruined? War of the Worlds? Indiana Jones IV? (Blame Lucas?)
Honestly no one is perfect, I probably like more of Spielbergs body of work proportionately than any other living director.

Classy and understated. Something we don’t see too often these days with the generic Men standing with their back to us or woman showing off her butt poses on 1000 posters.

I love ALL those games he’s holding up. Even the Assassin’s Creed. It’s ACII arguably the best in the series. (My favorite is Black Flag though).
In an alternate universe he isn’t deriding these games in the photo, he’s showing off his sick ass game collection.

Some of it.

I don’t mind the female counterpart at all. (Cosplay)

Samson is the best. Dr. Orpheus is a decent character but far from the best. The Monarch is even better than him.

I pretty much hate everything about this. From the music to the product.

Thankyou for not spoiling it! that was great!

That’s pretty funny. I particularly like this caption.