Curt Anderson

That’s THOR!

Japanese ants.

This guy needs to be working in movies for practical effects/miniature sets!
For awhile it was digital everything, but with the new Star Wars relying heavily on practical effects/sets, it could hopefully signal a trend, his time is now!

This is fantastic. It feels like it went from an 8-bit vibe to a 16-bit vibe.
If this trend continues the next one will be low res polygons and a 32 bit vibe! Then onto 64 Bit, and towards what is now current gen visuals! Very exciting.

Thanks for the artist name both Ausir/ phroZac.

In the video I was REALLY stunned by that Boris Vallejo style painting of the male and female vault dwellers. After some googling I found a higher res version of it if anyone is interested. (Is it from Fallout 1 or fanart? Because I saw it labeled as both)

I’m able to run it near 60 FPS constantly with similar settings, (Also GTX 980) everything maxed, In my case though I dropped it to TXAA2 not TXAA4 for a neglible dip in fidelity with a nice boost and a bit of extra ram I think.

Thankyou for replying personally! I appreciate it! Again Kudos! It looked very good! The part that threw me was when the neck jerked back the cloud follows the trajectory of the neck snap, so to me that looked really realistic and fooled me! I was like they can’t possibly be that good can they? Turns out you are! Very

I’m concerned about how they did this effect. It seems dangerous. (And I’m sure that’s the point, so kudos on that)
Like obviously it’s not shooting blanks. (People die like that)
Is it a small squib like charge? Is it a firecracker? Or is it digital? Because if it is that smoke looks 100% real.

Patricia, this is your best work of writing for Kotaku yet.
I’ve been harsh and critical of you before but in my opinion this makes up for alot of it. To make matters better, Fallout is one of my favorite game series if not my favorite and I feel you did it justice. Kudos. Good job.

I love the concept, but seriously it’s so low res 720p? Why put all that work into low res? It really should be 1080p minimum.

It kind of helps that you have a “default” face thing going on irl as well.

Well done!

Shut the fuck up.

I already worship lord GabeN.

Now playing

Your comment got me curious so I looked at some old videos. They are basically static and do look like mitts, but once in awhile the digits show articulation, so the statue is indeed accurate.


My Friend Jace Wallace has painted on Twitch for quite a while now. He was recently banned for having nudity in his paintings though, they re instated him though.

All things considered I think he looks pretty good, as good as he could make himself look. The grooming, the weight, even the height seems to be spot on.

Great cosplay he really looks like Tom Hiddleston.