Curt Anderson

This is probably the closest we’re going to get. Considering Kojima himself left, and PT / Silent Hills has been cancelled everything about this rings true to me.

If you work at Konami whatever you do, DO NOT STAR ANYTHING ON THIS

“That’s Kafkaesque, yo!”

The Tagline is actually: “Be The Batman.” not “Be the Bat.”

Hospitals are big Business. So I see why a money shot would be appropriate.

You have a point; but he said:
“some checks I had to uncheck in the options in order for it to work properly.
Now most people, myself included, would take that to mean he turned something off.
for a game like this turning features ON that were otherwise off probably wouldn’t improve performance.


Seems like he just took the top down off his gi, and exposed an under-armor type shirt. It’s hard to tell but it seems like the match starts with him in the normal outfit and then takes the top off. You know like in the streets when shit is about to get real, you have to take off your shirt.

I’m trying to understand this. Is the fact that it’s color (Game Gear), and color screens cost more to produce, making it a much more expensive product what he’s talking about?
Because honestly, the Game Gears screen WAS much better than the gameboy. Just too expensive, and not enough games.

A lot of people on the PC side are hating on the game BAD.
But these little things, to me, are what took the game from being a “good” game, to a “GREAT” game. Personally I loved Arkham Knight!

90% of kotakus content seems to originate on reddit.

Ok a few things. First off I’m tired of people saying they arent having problems with the game... The way the game performs today and the way the game performed on launch 4 years ago is incredibly different. The launch of rage on the PC was phenomenally bad, similar to the horrible arkham knight launch. Secondly a 660

Consider yourself lucky. It was one of the worst gaming experiences of my life.
“experiences may vary.”

If you unchecked things, then by definition that’s not maxed.

Yeah but the GTX 670 wasn’t even out when Rage launched if I recall, the 670 is a better card than a 560ti... when the game launched it was a disaster.

I was running the Game on a SSD and a i7 Extreme 975 @ 4.2ghz and the issues were still there. It runs great now, but at launch it was unnaceptable.

On the 770 I was just running everything maxed. It was pretty good but I would still see the re-draw problem when I spun around very fast, but it was very brief. I think it’s still there on my 980 but it just happens so freaking fast my eye doesn’t see it.

I just skimmed through your post, and didn’t really like it.

Rage ran so horribly for me when it first came out. I was running on 2x GTX 560ti’s, but the game didn’t support SLI. When I upgraded to a 770, it ran considerably better, but not perfect yet. Now I’m on a GTX 980 and the game FINALLY seems to run like it was always meant to. And I’ve been checking it out, it really