Curt Anderson

The engine doesn't even support SLI, that boggles my mind. (Neither does Wolfenstein)

(It still does this if you move too fast on alot of PC's)

once I had a burger from Burger King and it was absolutely gorgeous, it. Looked like the ads maybe better, tasted great too, I would have taken a picture, but I didn't want to be a guy who takes a photo of their Burger King.

That's filthy.


Promotional materials love ass shots.

GTX 770 video card i5 4430 processor 212 Evo heatsink AsRock Z97 motherboard 8 GB RAM SeaSonic S12II 620 power supply Corsair 400R case (One quick note on the case: I feel like most PC cases are kind of ugly. But then again, how do you make a big, metal rectangle look sexy?)

That's Brilliant. Something that hasn't been done before. Well done Nintendo.

Those would breasts.

Link has never been the most "manly looking" of character designs, but this version looks ultra effete to me. I think it's the blue scarf.

Just imagine it, a man and woman, the woman with terminal cancer, and knows she only has hours to live... The Saddest BJ ever. oh god that is sad.

That would be the name of a real depressing adult film.

they keep on saying before 11:59, before 11:59... Deleting comments from Facebook. (they responded before deleting the comments, Which were not even bad,is a really nasty move. Maybe after the issue was resolved, but it hasn't been.

You should really only comment if you played it. It runs on IDTech 5 so it has alot of the same problems (IE no SLI for PCS) but I would say it performs much better, and is a better game than rage, albeit not so grand in scale.

Kotaku Reccomended Stack Social last week for a good sounding Wolfenstein New Order pre-order at $50.
No one has yet to receive their keys and they are deleting any complaints off their facebook. Really negative experience, and I applaud Kotaku for pointing out what sounded like a good deal, but I shun Stack

Why did they think this is a good idea????

That was the first thing I checked. It does not, it simply wakes you from your dream (Same as the normal door) No Completion/Par time, Treasure Count, Secrets or score.
I wish they would have just gone and atleast done the first 9 shareware levels. How hard could it have been? They already did the hard part!

Maybe you mean the fact that you can eat Dog food, like in the old one, that's kind of funny.

It's 2014, and there's a new Wolfenstein game out today, which is weird and surreal and kind of hilarious for longtime gamers.

I still prefer the PC version, But I wish they would atleast send us the damn model. That would be some damn fine DLC worth paying for.