Curt Anderson

Alot of these kickstarters with absolutely no rights to the things they are trying to fund are laughable.
They should have just called him "Steel Man" or something. Used Generic terms.
Works for PolyStation.

Fuuka looks cute.

The "Gangster" outlaw cats really make these shops.

Why the hell aren't these rotated!?

Initially I thought this article would be full of those funny little fake knockoff consoles, but as someone who has...ahem... done some modification, I can see the value of having a physical shop you can go to with those kinds of issues, ie broken DVD/Blu Ray Drives, rrods, and of course HOMEBREW.

This is like for people that HATE the SNES, at the very least it should be with games like Shaq-Fu or something. I see lots of copies of Madden though. (Waits for the Shaq Fu Fans)
The idea of this is really bizarre to me, almost like that creepy isolation box.

Thanks Obama.

I like his Beard.
He looks like a Pirate.

I think we need to march on Wallstreet and arrest the Bankers so Cliff Harris can advertise his game.
(Side note, I have the game, it's quite good!)

I had alot of isssues with my PC version as well, Nvidia card not surprising. It ran very badly when it first came out unless you really gimped the settings, and who wants to do that. But now that the driver updates have finally hit I started playing it again, and everything runs on Ultra nicely for me. Much better

Oh! We're doing sad .gifs!?
Here's mine.

The fact of the matter is the Comments Section are quite literally the 21st century Peanut Gallery, virtually none of it matters, and this of course includes Kotaku.
A writer or content creator has the right to post whatever he wishes, and hold any opinons he likes, if the comments don't like it, tough shit go

I am a prolific Kotaku Commenter.
Deal with it.

Now playing

That segment is great. I LOVED hearing the Studio Audiences reaction to Lara's throat being impaled by a spike on the rapids.
Also Conan's pervyness was hilarious, and is taken the the next level when they invited the actual Voice Actress / Model they used in the game! He completely confesses his love for her. Check it

Nice work, I'm noticing thats the same username as you so I imagine you did it.
Square should hire YOU!

They should just Redraw the new sprites. This is just lazy.

I play all those games on my PC, at 1080p.

I just got Diabetes.

Oh really? Damn.

There is no Tie.
The Tie is an Illusion.
Time is an illusion.
There is no time but the present.
And the present time is party time.
P-A-R-T-Y Time.