Curt Anderson

Bearly even funny.

My reaction to said event was similar as well. They were my favorite then I wanted to cry.

I don't really care one way or the other.

Man you really should have put that in there.
Google is easy to use man!
60% of my comments on this site are goofy images that get thousands of recommendations over time.

Nicely done.

Big sad. Too many feels.

I concur.

I have to agree. And I think that David Cage being kind of creepy is actually authentic, it wasn't glossed over, he REALLY seemed to think this Game had to have Ellen Page, and that and this article really make me excited for the game.

She was internet famous too, It was incredibly impressive.
I think I might have had a shot if I hadn't spazzed out. So no romance.
She was intimidatingly hot, like too hot, I couldn't manage to act like a normal person, I was nervous. Better luck next time I guess, if there is one.
Models are always seen as

Can't really say I blame him though, personally Ellen always stuck me as kind of a lesbian kind of vibe (not that there's anything wrong with that) but she's very pretty and I can see how people would think she's DREAMY!

I loved Heavy Rain, I would say it wasn't perfect. But it was and still is one of the most immersive digital worlds I've ever experienced. I hold that game in high Regard.

Dude sounds REALLY obsessed over Ellen Page. Somewhat creepy, but in a Sweet way.

I'm an artist and I got really into a certain model, similarly, she was my muse and I painted her for years and one night in New York we finally met and had dinner. It was...beyond surreal, she was prettier than I imagined, but the whole

oh my god...

Fuck Zynga. I hope they go out of business. A company that is bult on ripping off other franchises deserves no pity. I know people at Zynga but I still don't care if that company goes under. They took over the Sega Offices in San Francisco on Townsend street btw and put their stupid Dog Banner up.

Restrain this!

I'm glad the little Yellow Circle is still kicking.

That's not the issue, my issue is the way the caption was phrased. They could have just said that. Also nice work bringing up a really old post now.

Thats a good point.
Firing it up now. *crosses fingers*

Hmmmm judging by these comments Archaeologists are a bunch of nerds...Who would have guessed?