Curt Anderson

Omg the Kogals. Here's a question are regulation skirts really that short or do they fold them up or modify them? So theyre longer now?

Wasteland is well before my time. But after doing some research on it because I love Fallout, I found it was set in my completely awful boring little desert hometown of Needles CA. Any word on if this will as well? That'd be pretty funny.

I was unsure about this from reading the headline... but yes... very scary. Horrifying.

This is everything I ever wanted as a child.

Damnit! I was thinking to post this as well!
(I like this one better)

Fuck this guy.
I understand somebody has to do his job, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.
Get over it.

Now playing

Another but with a cute girl. This one borders on assault.

Probably just to see if he could. He probably picked one of his favorite games as an excercise. If he's looking for a job, people in the Industry love seeing that kind of stuff. If he can do this, he can do alot more. (Likely on 3DS next time though, please)

You just missed it! It was $7.50 this weekend! I got mine for $10 on Amazon. (steam key)

I tipped this. Thx for putting it up. There's also a Justice League one but I like this one best.

Outstanding Graphics.

Someone did that in the original thread.
It wasn't as funny as you might think.

Totally. But Ray Liotta in Vice City was pretty damn great.

I like Nico.

I was skeptical by the title of the article. But I actually really like this. I think it could add alot to to the game for someone playing their first time through.

Great Game btw.

This is worse than September 11th, you guys.

They made the "Do you even lift Bro" Meme.
They are brilliant.

Thats really weird considering Animal Crossing is in the Damn Graphic.
Also Buy Animal Crossing. It's great.