Curt Anderson

Is it weird that I think Glados' voice is kind of sexy?
I wish her voice was Siri in my phone.

Bill Burr is great! And he's on Breaking Bad!

The taping I saw was a couple years back at the Orpheum theater in San Francisco. It was when he was practicing to take over the Tonight Show.
The day before I tried to get in, You had to wait in line for about 5 hours, and I was unsuccessful. I did however see the guest Roll up in a limo. George Lucas.
The other guest

I actually agree, the concept of the Character limit tweets bringing insanity is clever.
I just am kind of baffled how sites even like Kotaku (A Video Game Blog) just erupt whenever the man does something. I.e. his Star Wars tirade a couple months back.

I appreciate your response. I know he is very very popular. My post was more out of curiosity. I honestly want to hear if other people don't like him.
It's kind of like when everyone likes a certain song on the radio, and you'r like: "What's the big deal?"

I'm probably going to get some Flack for this... But am I the only one who doesn't like Patton Oswalt?
I even saw him do standup when I saw a taping of Conan...Nope. Zip. Nada. Don't like the guy. Don't think he's funny.

Word up to this. Sim City is one I would Return.

This is the first thing Origin has done that I am REALLY happy about.

Totally a HOX

I'm just going to chime in here and agree that the latest Kotaku re-design is Balls.
Just pure and utter Balls.

I LOVE Dragon Quest.
But this looks kind of weird.

I think this stuff is awesome. Safety be damned! BUILD IT MORE BIGGER!

I think the Beast of America song was pretty badass as well. Really launched that band as well.

I really wasn't too impressed with this.

My Contribution.

I hate his computer. He made it out of a cardboard box? What the fuck man? that is so ghetto.

Reminds me of this:

If this gets translated I'll totally read the whole thing.

No, his Campsite wasn't nearby.
There was a tile which he put an Arrow on, and you hop off that. Also some tiles floated, so something to do with his tiles.