Curt Anderson

Click links? Nawwww bro.

I do say.
And isn't that the point of this frivolous article?
Also you're morally obligated to use this image:

My thoughts as well, but the article took it in a different direction.

Hmmm "Devils Advocate" is not just a Keanu movie, the term is used alot, but I admit I like to think of Keanu and Pacino when I hear the phrase as well.

At first I thought the discussion was about the logo's design, it looked familiar to me as well.

Reminds me of EA.

To me he will always just be a pizza with a slice missing.
Puck Man.

In B4 make remake Final Fantasy VII... oh wait thats probably been said 100 times in this thread already.

Make FFVIII too!

His skinny legs remind me of the Sonic Redesign with the lanky limbs gloves and tennis shoes. I always thought of him as more of a stout chubby little fellow (he eats ALOT).

I don't mind new Pac Man games, just not one for the design of this fellow, too much Disney-fication.

I love the guys voice.

I can imagine him narrating the the futility of my mundane daily tasks.

"Curt was reading Kotaku again, not sure of what he was looking for, not caring if he would find it, only knowing that he would be compelled to do the same thing tomorrow and the day after that. How had his life come to this?"

I like the DragonBorn helmet, or whatever it was called.

This is seriously making me re-assess the choices I've made in my life.

That's why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

That and sleeping fully dressed in a suit.

I hope the motion controls are good.

I hate profanity filters. I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei IV
and it lets you name your first terminal. I wanted to name it The "Goddamned" Terminal, being as the game is alot about pseudo theology it seemed appropriate. But no dice, they even blocked G0dd@mned.
No fun at all.
I just ended up calling it the "Man" terminal.

My usual pattern is slower these days. You should be able to make about $40,000 everyday without any effort.
Collect all the fossils, and search for the "Money rock" every day which spits out about $16,000 if you dig two holes beside you so you can smack it without getting pushed backwards.
I take the fossils to

This is a game that at first glance seems almost only for Children (That's what I thought about the last ones)
interjecting some adult language emphasizes the point that as many are experiencing, grown ups love it too.
I agree it wasn't necessary, but I get what he was going for.

300,000 is a bad haul.
I've had trips (With beetles + sharks) that got over 500,000
House is maxed out at 7.5 million bells.... pretty boring but I spent over 10 hours just farming. Breaks the game.

Not playing it, those were my reactions to the trailer.
Way to dig up a 9 day old post.

This is like when your Sim City turns to complete shit and you're about to hit restart or call in the big giant monster disaster.

She falls asleep at her desk (Sad)
thats how you get the DreamStation.

I feel bad for her too! She said she dreamed of going to the beach but sadly can't.
OH WHY CAN'T I TAKE HER TO THE BEACH! She's the nicest character!