Curt Anderson

I'm not sure what's creepier his hair or his teeth... the combo...

Now playing

This was barely funny nearly 10 years ago when Dave Chapelle basically did the same skit.

I think if you time travel far in the future alot of them move out, that might work, but would wipe everyone else out. You could even start a new game.

I broke down and bought it the other day, the $34.99 in the EShop compared to most AAA's being $39.99 was just enough for me.
I had never played Animal Crossing so I came in fresh, it's such a simple game, but so addictive. I can see why it's so popular. I'm hooked.
Damn that Tom Nook though!

Awesome! I didn't play much of that one! Too bad!
Neat to see a WHOLE game about the mechanic though. I'd like to see more, maybe a narrative, a Glados type almost seems perfect.

I just did the part where you play basketball with the fridge that is like Dikembe Mutumbo when he blocks your shot. I created an elaborate play that outwitted him and after it was successfully done I still stuck around and spectatored from different angles in amazement... I've never done anything like that in a game,

Just played a few minutes of it, that's literally what goes on in the game, you play with yourself, and I don't mean that in a nasty way.

Just downloaded it (Thanks)
the graphics on this are actually really nice and look pretty great in 1080p.
The Gameplay at first confounded me, but I am getting the hang of it. I can't believe we haven't seen something like this before.
Pretty good!

My proof is that when Maxis was self owned (Albeit in a different time/climate/economy) this never used to happen.

Also The Maxis games were good this is not.

And for the coup de grais:…
So yes, anything after that moment is "EA Stuff."
There's my proof.

In the context of EA just

Oh wow, I don't even like Soccer but this looks amazing. The playstyle of shifting the weight to the ball movement looks really clever, I'd love to try it out.

I like the concept, but don't like the art style of this, kinda creepy. I barely even liked Braid's styling.

I'd pay $9 for this to be in Sim City.

Not really Maxis, Maxis was awesome in the Will Wright Days... this is more EA stuff.

Things I think would be WORTH money:
New Monsters/Disasters.
Bigger City Map Upgrade
Mystery device that generates very high amounts of Simoleans.
Special "Sims" cross game integration.
No DRM/Offline Upgrade.
Etc etc etc.
$9 ballons is like Luke implied in the post...pretty ridiculous and borders on self parody.

Personally I think it should be free because it's frivolous, and doesn't really add much to the game aside how other people can come to your town.
It would be NICE to get cool updates for free, especially from a game with such a bad reputation.
Atleast I got a free copy of Mass Effect 3 out of the whole debacle, so I

Agreed, I think $1 would be reasonable, and it might even be a better business move.

Well Played.

It's kind of cute, if it was Free (like it should be) I might use it.
For 9$? No Thanks.
I haven't signed onto that thing in Months.
Not really planning to.

Getting lots of negative flack on this comment. Wish I could delete it.
If you like it fine, more power to you and kudos on the artist for getting their work seen. I however am not a fan and just dropped my opinion.

Tired of this shit.
At first it was mildly amusing, but after seeing it on every site and all over the social media feeds, I'm really over it.