
Don't take the bashing too seriously, Brain. My fellow midwesterners, especially, needed a distraction from the fact that linking arms and chanting "macho, macho man" isn't going to save them from the loooooong slog they are in for, even after temperatures go back to normal.

"Are we so 'P.C.' now a days that the display of our flag and our colors are becoming 'almost offense?"

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but wasn't it a sort of big deal, and funny, when Woody Allen dragged Marshall McLuhan out of a movie line to chide a the fellow behind him in line? Can't remember what the poor guy said, but isn't it living the dream (and stretching the boundaries of reality) to have an

Yeah, and you're also going to be equally confused when the living in the real world eats you alive, probably within the next few years.

Define education. The problem with a study like this is that the only marker of education they have is the degrees that are accumulated. If a women buys into the mythology that only a degree confers intellect and/or knowledge, I guess she would perceive a potential mate as duller or less intelligent than one without.

I saw nothing in the article or the links that indicate the students "had" their parents call the school. In fact, all I saw were references to e-mails, not calls, and the e-mail was from parents, not just moms.

So is Flowers holding out the possibility that Malala Yousafzai might become too uppity someday? I mean, education today, but god knows what she might want after that?

Yeah, you're generalizing. They have their good days and bad days like everybody else.

There are virtually millions of exceptions to the "dress for the job you want" advice, which is why I don't understand why it is used so much. Oddly, enough this story is one of the times when the advice probably works. If you are a temp, of course you should take your dress cues from people who have been hired on

The majority of your comment is very well thought out except for the "dress like the job you want to have" which is a piece of advice that is so wrong on so many levels that I'm surprised the saying survives.

Is it even possible to leave everything to a mistress/lover? I know that children don't have rights to inheritance but don't most states have laws that say a current spouse gets at least a certain percentage of the estate, or was the wife deceased?