
The “take away the helmets and pads” argument makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY because it shows a fundamental ignorance of the history of the game itself. Do you know WHY they introduced helmets? Because people were DYING on the field. Literal death! Right there! This idea that taking helmets away will somehow magically make

They want the player to be not black.

Which would still be miles better than farting around in MLS so I’ll take it.

So. Don’t. Fucking. Click.

Are you seriously putting guys like Memphis, Martial, and you creaky old German midfielder on par with Neymar, Ronaldo, and Bale?

It's happened. I finally enjoyed one of the classic Haisley terribly sourced and fantasy land written posts. Nice job Billy, this is actually a really good one!

If you look at their trophy history, Man U really weren’t a very big club before the red-faced one. their rise perfectly coincided with the creation of the EPL and all of the money and media attention that came with it. In 10-20 years Man U will be like Liverpool, a club that used to be big a while back and still

I mean, even with the good-not-great players, MLS is still a better league than most European leagues outside the Big 4.

You just countered yourself by admitting:

Can the MLS please get rid of that silly “Our ‘All-Stars’ v. Your Premiership Team” match? It’s embarrassing that we have to try to accumulate all of the talents in one league to play one team from Europe.

To Chris Evans and the BBC according to Clarkson

I remember when that article in the Atlantic came out; it’s some of the most clear-headed thinking on ISIS anyone has produced. It also received quite a bit of criticism from the left for being very un-PC, in that it pins ISIS to Islam in a way that makes people on the left very uncomfortable as their favorite

What, exactly, could the university president have done that would have been deemed acceptable? I’ve followed the links to the supposed “several months’ worth of alleged racism” and I see that a fecal swastika was applied to a dorm’s wall (a black dorm? a Jewish dorm? a hot-dog-is-a-sandwich dorm?), some unidentified

The president of a university couldn’t end racism in Missouri? Burn him at the stake, I guess.

No matter what the guy said there he was going to get a reaction. Sad these people had to resort to screaming at him instead of just ignoring his stupid answer.

Unless the School President is the one instigating the racist acts I’m not sure that this really solves the problem, but sure - let’s burn one guy in effigy to appease the masses...

You can stop trying so hard, Missouri. You already got into the SEC.

So if I went on hunger strike in opposition of your commenting would you stop?

Lots of shit to be seen here, but that list of demands is cringeworthy.