
Do you think most people who watched and got really into the musicals even know who John Waters is, let alone attribute the work to him?

I am walking around today feeling like the pain she is feeling is mine too. It was her loss, it was my loss too and I am feeling it deeply as I struggle not to cry at my desk today. I feel I admire Clinton more than before. We may never call her Madam President, but I think we all will remember her grace and her


I don’t understand the Schumer hatred here, I just don’t. She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things? She’s a fucking comedian! (I’m not yelling at you Sparky, I love you, lol! I’m just so sick of this constant attack on her from both the left and

The most absurd aspect of this is the idea that Trump and his supporters believe we should unequivocally believe Clinton’s accusers but his are all insane and untrustworthy. The idea that women’s experiences are only true when they fit a convenient narrative is as destructive as the tendency to disbelieve them in the

Solange is a very underrated artist. I love Beyonce but Solange deserves love too and I hope this is a hit.

If you’re gonna have a tumor, “benign and in an easy place to operate” is about the best description you can ask for. I hope everything goes well and that she enjoys a full and easy (as possible) recovery!

anna bae you know you are the absolute moon of my life, stars in my sky, the one to my direction, but i have 100% seen writers make this claim before. it hasn’t been anything recent, but i know i have seen it, though it was long enough ago that i cannot recall if it was by anyone on the present team. i would put money

Right after Jezebel published the un-retouched images of Lena Dunhams magazine cover.

Yeah, I like Anna, but I’m still trying to figure out if this article is low-grade trolling or if Jezebel’s writers are just that out of touch with how Gawker Media/Jezebel is perceived in the wider world. Personally I’m shocked Clinton’s camp even pretended to entertain an interview proposition.

Given the decidedly pro-Bernie slant to your primary coverage, it’s not a surprise she wouldn’t want to speak to Jezebel. Add in the fact that you want to tie her to a decades-old and never charged sexual assault her husband allegedly committed (one that Ken Starr even dismissed) and you wonder why you’re getting

Nah, you’re right, it’s her fault she was told this guy was her contact, and he acted completely unprofessionally towards her and then retaliated against her when she rebuffed his advances. I’m glad all you MRA bros found the REAL culprit in this story. Good work, Hardly Boy.

Holy shit you’re a moron. She isn’t “shutting him down,” in that she’s not saying “Stop being a creepy fucking asshole, asshole,” because insulting a source isn’t a very good way to keep a source, even if he deserves it. But it is obvious she’s not willing to go back to his apartment to get fucking gang banged since ev

Jeez, it’s almost like you didn’t read the article. This was her source that she cultivated. She tried to cultivate other sources, but it was untenable. Her source harassed her for months. She put up with it because she had a job to do.

In the world of college sports where unpunished sexual assault and sexual harassment seems to be the norm, I’m so glad that UC Berkeley seemed to do things completely right on this one.