LS1/2 GTO.
LS1/2 GTO.
1. If it’s to make other drivers change their style, good luck with that. Baby on Board signs are practically invisible.
Replacing the odd, squared-off wheel openings with the rounded ones really makes it a lot more attractive. This is what Pontiac should have released.
GM’s LS engines are ubiquitous in the world of performance here in America. These modern V8s get swapped into…
most of the factories I visited are...except Korean. I work in automotive supply chain, and I get invited to lots of factory tours, I had the chance to see practically everything from the top 30 models sold in Europe being made, usually they also prepare something like “build your own”, so we move from station to…
A quiet place where workers can communicate easily reduce the stress and the likehood of a mistake or an accident happening.
Don't worry, the F-35D will take its spot as America's next generation airlifter...