
Wow. Someone at Giz still knows how to write a feature length article. I thought Gizbozos fired all the writers. Here's a thought, fire all the Data Miners, hire actual writers, and return Giz to the great source we all used to love. (emphasis on used to)


Funny, I though you said you were moving on. STFU, already. I love you folks, but get over it. Sheesh. :-(

Yo, Giz Folks? STFU, already. Time to move on.

@YardanCabaret: Always, nod. Insert random hmm's, and oh I see's in between the yes dear's. However, after 50+ years and can say that women know when you're not paying attention anyway.

There is a rather common heavy duty cart that is made of a resin like material called a PUC cart. Being plastic it is easily drilled and modified.

It amazes me, amongst my friends, whose computers I inevitably must somehow resurrect, have still yet to get the concept, that back up does not mean a folder labeled "Backup" on their one and only hard drive. #windows

This seems like a good thing, but I have always just used an extra Google account or 2. Am I missing something? #onlinebackup