
They’ll read it now that it has passed.

Voter memory is about 6 months, tops. Only 20% follow politics to any extent according to a recent poll. Who can yell the loudestest, hate the most bpeople, blame the most people, and come up with snappy 30 second sound bites wins. Truth, knowledge, true patriotism, just doesn’t matter. Fanatical “religious”

It isn’t a repeal. And it isn’t a replace.

Yep. Those young men were babies once. And fuck babies, right?

I grew up in Appalachia. Southern Appalachia. I now live in New England. Every time I pay an crazy amount in taxes or the like, I remember that my high school graduating class had 172 people in it and 11 went to college. I remember that people smoked in line at the grocery store, bank, doctor’s office, every where. It

I use three basic styles:

I use three basic styles:

This. Water? What the fuck? Since when does a burger naturally produce WATER? Who has ever eaten a burger and said “man, this is good, but it would be better if it was wetter?”

Folgers or MH in a french press is fantastic. But don’t tell that to the coffee snobs.

Your comment is the best thing I’ve read on LifeHacker ever.

You forgot the non-apology. “Well, I’m sorry that you were offended when I spoke the truth.”

I’ll gladly pay McD a dollar, it’s the $2.50-$3 that most sit down restaurants charge that gets me. I know I usually get refills, but man if I don’t get 2 refills I’m really getting screwed

I eat cheese pizza like a little kid and I use the complimentary parmesan and crushed red pepper. I’m playing this game at an entirely different level.

yea, but, is no reason of a pizza to come out to 32.00

Come on, “vanity abortion”? Like people are just doing it to look cool? Most women who have elective abortions do so because they understand the dramatic life changes that a child would require and these would seriously hurt their quality of life (and that of the child). Not to mention when you don’t want the child in

That’s what I’m saying. You start with the color code, then use the spectrometer to fine tune for fading. The first time I did this my fresh paint was too dark, even though it was spot-on Honda glacier blue. When I redid it, I went to a paint store (Tasco, I think) and they ran out and used a spectrometer to determine

When you talk about the violent left, what examples do you have? Are they like the shooting of doctors and other Planned Parenthood employees? Is it like the bombing of those same Planned Parenthood clinics? When I think of the violence and hatred Planned Parenthood generates, it is always the right that seems to

I will try to give you an intellectual response, though your choice of diction used doesn’t particularly encourage it other than you asking for us to refrain from wishing some type of violence on you. I do not wish any violence upon you, I only ask that you actually learn what planned parenthood does beyond abortions

Why is it so hard for women to get the HPV vaccine after age 26, even if she wants to pay for it? If there are no adverse effects to the vaccine outside of questioned efficacy outside of the recommended age range, what is the issue with patient advocating for the vaccine? I am single and 35. I am still at-risk for HPV.

No questions, just... thank you. Thank you for being there when I was a nervous (and broke) teenager/20-something who needed health care and birth control. Thank you for the friendly, positive, helpful staff who helped me understand my body and keep it healthy. I’m a proud supporter and I wish your organization