
Over-ear headphones. Great for the flight to/back, but generally a useless waste of space for the rest of the trip.

Someone mentioned shampoo and conditioner but honestly anything that you can buy there easily and might not be necessary. Example is my trip to NZ I didn’t take sunscreen. We didn’t need it until a few days in and it was easy and cheap to buy it there. Also if you don’t use it all then you can bring it home and use

My grandma’s wedding dress. I keep telling myself carrying it around is silly, and it snags EVERYWHERE, but I can’t shake the feeling that true love is waiting for me at my next port of call, and this time it will be for real. 50 is too soon to give up hope!

Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge too. Also, it’s freaking 2017, my GPS can lock in on me in 2 seconds flat, how is it that 911 can’t do it?

“Whenever I call 911...”

In fairness to the people who just start crying or shouting, none of us truly know how we’ll react when push comes to shove. I’ve seen people who you’d think be cool as a cucumber and who always seemed pillars of strengths break down in tears, and I’ve seen the office worrywart who flew into a panic when we ran out of

Yes... only way to balance the budget is to cut bloated Transportation spending.

Public services are not a bad thing, nor does anyone actually think they are “free”. We think they are a good use of taxpayer money.

You mean religion is a scam? Who knew? lol

Is this worse than convincing your congregation that God wants you to have a Gulfstream for something?

Childless voters will refuse to pay for schools.

That’s sort of Trump/Bannon’s goal with the “dismantlement of the administrative state”. They want to go back to the States being the inward looking government, while the federal government gets down to holy war and ensuring corporations and capitalism remain unhindered as possible.
I will say on paper, I agree with

But, hey! They’ll be safer from terrorist attacks. This means they’ll have less need for health insurance.

Good luck with that.

Obamacare subsidies are based on an individual’s age, income, and location. Trumpcare subsidies only look at age.

The chart is based only on a “test couple” filing jointly that’s making the median income for their location.

So when you see a city on that chart that is now receiving subsidies that didn’t before, it’s

8 of the top 20 cities listed are in NC. 10 of the top 25. That’s 40 freaking percent. And we’re stillI​ waiting on HB2 to be removed as well.

This is for anyone who still thinks that economic distress is what put Trump in the White House, despite all the evidence to the contrary. People voted for Trump because of “cultural anxiety,” which is a nice way of saying that they’re racist xenophobes who can’t stand the idea that “their” country is no longer

I wish the good parts of Kentucky (the triangle, basically) could secede from the rest of this bullshit, but then I remember there are good people all over the state who are hurt/impacted by Bevin being horrible and god dammit why couldn’t people just go vote.

The inability of privileged majorities to distinguish between their own hurt feelings and actual oppression will be the death of this country.

Looks like his beer pouring acumen is about as good as his policy. .