
I’m more concerned that our PRESENT president has said similar things than that a president did so a hundred years ago. Interesting how fragile that 100 years of progress was ...

Presidential budgets are always DOA. Looks like the Trump administration spent about five minutes on this and called it a day.

You implied that consumers aren’t freely choosing to purchase these devices, but are instead being duped by salesmen and marketers. Did I misread that?

So consumers have no choice in the matter, but you’ve personally managed to exercise choice in the matter. Got it.

That breach of privacy was only discovered because security researchers located a software flaw that could allow a hacker to remotely control the vibrator.

“I hope I can get this ridiculous hire car charge sorted before I start my business with the exiled prince of Nigeria.”

That seems like the best worst advertisement for Rasperry Pi’s I’ve read. “It’s going to be a PITA, but at least it will work sometimes.”

As advice goes, this is pretty bare bones ;-). I have thrown a gazillion parties and have a few more things to add:

Counterpoint: Cards Against Humanity is embarrassingly stupid and should be fired into the sun.

Seat pitch has decreased, but so have prices... If airlines are forced to take out seats, they’ll just raise prices to adjust.

See, this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about above. T-Mobile does not throttle you, they deprioritize you just like Verizon. I’m genuinely curious as to where you got this idea from that T-Mobile “guarantees” you get throttled after 30GB. Is it just that you read articles like this one and don’t dig into it

Agreed. Anything between age 4-65, bad. I’m almost 70, so I’m good, right?

I’d say the vast majority does does to the lower cabin pressure which result in any gas in the bowel expanding. From personal experience, depending on how much there is, it can get quite painful.

Why were they sitting on your legs? Oh, wait. hahahah

Now playing

This immediately popped into my head. Sorry about the potato camera quality - it’s an old clip from the Jamie Kennedy show.

Honestly, everyone needs to stop reporting it as “throttled” because it is not throttling. It truly is deprioritization, at least on T-Mobile. My wife has used over 34GB this month and received the notification that she would be deprioritized. I’ve run several speed tests since then and she is still getting the same

Agree. If that is what they mean, it should say “Truly unlimited LTE/high speed”. I mean my plan is “truly” unlimited. I just don’t get LTE after 5 GB. Doenst change the fact that its still unlimited.

Is T-Mobile changing the limit really news? AFAIK they’re just basing it on how much data the average customer uses so it’s going to constantly change. It’s gone nothing but up as I remember it being 22GB a few months ago. They are using the same definition of unlimited now as they were then. It is unlimited in the

Sold my STi in a year. Fun to drive, built like a Geo Metro. What a piece of crap that car was.