Maddow says treat him like a silent movie. Focus less on what he says, and more on what he’s doing.
Maddow says treat him like a silent movie. Focus less on what he says, and more on what he’s doing.
Prepared and served by women, I’m sure.
I think there will be lots of awkward silences.
There’s a difference between writing a post, and editing it and publishing it.
Well the AARP just came out against the replacement bill. And one thing old people do is vote; so hopefully, this convinces at least 3 Republican senators to back away from this dumpster-fire of a bill.
The problem is, everyone needs healthcare at some point in their lives, and it’s never conveniently timed.
Watercress! And the sandwiches are cut to look like hearts, diamonds, clubs, and er, um.....sigh....nevermind.
Wasn’t it all old people that elected these people? It’s amazing how much these changes tip toward benefitting the young and hurting the old
Repealing the mandate is a move away from progress. Supporters of this bill continue touting that they want to give Americans “more choices.” The problem is, everyone needs healthcare at some point in their lives, and it’s never conveniently timed. Given the choice of whether or not to have healthcare, some portion of…
You must need an entire laundry basket when you go through airport security. :-)
Hi, medical coder here. As far as I know, the procedure code for the ultrasound of the scrotum is for the entire scrotum and not the testicle. It is a single code to represent a service performed on both testicles. Did you call your insurance company to see if perhaps there was something called a doppler done at the…
Med school is 4 grueling years plus a residency. I know, and have known, med students. No comparison to a master’s whatsoever.
I treat leafy herbs — parsley, basil, cilantro — like flowers. I keep them in a glass of water on the kitchen counter where they last for at least a week. Basil will last almost indefinitely and will start to grow roots. The herbs last longest of there are no leaves below the water line.
The only thing that ever needs to be done with fresh cilantro is to throw it in the toilet and flush.
10.9% is not a small price to pay.
You save it because, well, it’s money
The supermarket tip is what I do, but only a small amount at a time. So when I pay, I grab a big handful of change and drop it in the checmout machine. After it drops through and is counted and applied to my bill, I pay the rest “the usual way” (usually a debit card for me). It goes quickly this way.
I love having single stream recycling. Everything goes into one bag, and that bag goes into one bin. I do not miss sorting.
I'm sorry, but what Oreos have YOU been eating? The filling in mine has never peeled off of mine in that fashion. Mine always remained firmly stuck to one side of the cookie. That shit looked like Playdoh mushed between 2 cookies. NASTY. You know what might have been ok? Caramel apple flavored Oreos. Just not freaking…