
this is gonna be used, someone's gonna go deaf, and sue sue sue the shit outta the police and win!

they are doing the "it's cool to walk away and keep your back to the action" thing like they do in the hollywood filmszzzz.

ben sisko is not happy.


stay-puft man was not fit. at all.

i'll have to read that link you posted. thank you. i'm always skeptical of everything i read on the internet. hope you understand. i appreciate the time you guys take to teach me something. :)

aren't those guys a little short to be stormtroopers?

what kind of degree do you have? i still think you are wrong.

this doesn't seem plausible to me at all.

i always wondered this....

Siri, who is the most interesting man on Earth?

wouldn't subject face shape also play a role in this type of thing? certain face shapes would benefir more/less.

there is a 30 day return policy on the kindle fire. i did a little research on this, cause i wanted to pre-order (which i did), and play with it before deciding how i like it, and if i want to keep it.

"While everyone would love to get their parent's an ipad and try to teach them how to use it"

I am disappoint. Nothing about ceramic knives?

the only good bug is a dead bug. and these suckers missed this time...

yeah those were fun. they did have a certain smell to them. damn you all!!! *shakes fist and goes into seizures*

with such small blades, there is definitely no ground effect going on here.

yeah it's the unseen big brother. or maybe big sister in this case. i also bet apple logs ALL siri queries, to look for trends, and adds stuff all the time. it's like the next google search. or maybe just an evolution of it. but cool either way.

do the goggles really protect his eyes? really?