
It’s not manipulating the AI when you use a feature that’s clearly baked into the design. If Microsoft wants its AI to pretend to be celebrities, it should expect users will make it pretend to be all sorts of folks, including the worst kinds of folks.

These LLM AI chat bots can be manipulated into saying almost anything you want except on censored prompts. It’s like getting tricking a foreign exchange student to say bad words or rude things, this says more about the manipulator than the one being manipulated.

I mean...isn’t it almost better if they THINK they’re getting out every month, only to have it withdrawn at the last moment?

I was hoping for thirty years. 30 days at a time for the next two decades is okay too.

Are they going to put him on trial at some point? If they just release him, he’ll probably just go on the run again and start this shit all over.

I don’t for a second believe he actually changed his will.

Still just another scam by him, I suspect. He will probably create a trust for a “charity” in an attempt to protect his wealth.

Someone should contact the society for cruelty to cockroaches, lice and bedbugs. 

Subtext: “Don’t you people see how carefully I sculpted my facial hair? Can’t you feel the manliness of my wife-beater? What’s wrong with you?”

Agreed. $20 says the guards are just sitting around taking bets on how many years he’ll get.

I guess setting up shop in Romania wasn’t the flex he thought it was

The legal team for the cockroaches, lice and bedbugs is currently putting together a defamation suit.

Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends

How do people (his followers) take him seriously?

If you mind is so strong, buddy, you should stay in jail forever to prove it to us! Double down and refuse all contact with the outside world, that’ll show ‘em!

They try to pour hatred into my heart.” I think he’s already done that himself, no?

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

It qualifies the barest definition of a villa (which is a large residence or compound for residence immediately outside a city or deep in the country), but it also has that look of what a nouveau riche grifter would think 'style' looks like. Very Bilzerian.

Some people are just so cartoonishly evil that if you tried to make a movie of them, it would look like terrible writing. 

Serious question, is it called a “villa” because it was in Europe? Looking at the pictures, it just seemed to me to be a warehouse, I would even accept “compound” perhaps.